↑Wolf.jpg free download via youtube.
The wolf, he came from a forest farnorth, always is alone and crying at midnight.
He walked across the street and run intoher at the corner about 10am in the morning, the street where he lives morethan 3 decades. But, he never saw this girl in town before, and she’s totally weariednothing at all. He decided to take her home immediately, and she followed withno further question.
He showed her the bathroom and gave hera clean shirt to wear-up after shower. He kept waited until she asked the firstquestion in English: Where am I? And, what year is now?
(OK, she actually asked TWO questions.)
He replied, in English, and held both ofher hands: Don’t be afraid, you are safe now. You’re currently in my home. And,it’s 11:30am on 28 June Friday year 2013. She looked into his eyes and found whathe used to lives and experiences before. And he, the fire almost burning hisheart, look-back her eyes.
He took her to every room of his home,but told her that never enter that black-fabric area. That’s his secret placeallowed no one to enter before. And, he again to hold her hands to the 2ndfloor and keep her on a couch, and then, he kneel besides her.
He asked: I just want to see you at 3rdfloor every night when I back home after work. Do you agree? Are you here withme?
She again looked into his eyes and felta heart-fallen in a second. She replied him by a smile only, light andbrightly.
He said: You don’t have to clean myhome, my desk or my bad. Don’t cook, and don’t work from now on. Understand?
She nodded.
Then, he took her to sit and wait besidesthe dinner table on 3rd floor. He prepared her a sandwich with fruitand juice.
Every Monday to Friday, he wake up on 2ndfloor and go to 3rd floor, watch her face until she woke up andfinished the breakfast. He always prepared her lunch, and then, leaved his hometo work. Usually, he will be home on 7pm, and took her a to-go dinner. Sometimes,30 minutes or 1 hour late, he called to make sure she answered on the phone inhis home.
She went to the shopping center, she mayheld someone’s baby and make the kids cry. She went to a restaurant nearby tosee the guests play poker games or drank their coke or beers, but no one everheard her voice.
And, she always went back his homebefore 3pm, ensure she make herself clean and smell good before he came back.So he never thought another way about her.
(It sounds like she took an alarm-clocktogether with her.)
Two weeks passed, one night he playedher two songs and she sang some simple notes after. He kissed her lips and toldher about how happy he is to find her at the corner of the street that day. Heasked her to sleep in his arms after dinner that night, and the night afterthat night, and the other nights after that night.
She, who is a wings-broken angel, has no wayback home.
Share with you a song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYgJAN1Ol5g
Story start from:
The wolf came from a forest far north, aloneand crying at midnight.
She who wings-broken angel has no way back.
Share with you a song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYgJAN1Ol5g
他 像一匹來自北方茂林中的孤狼
夜晚 對月獨唱
那日 住處街角與她偶遇
而她 未著一絲半縷
她問 此處何處 是何年月
他回 汝身影已在我心中
此後 兩情繾綣 日日相伴隨
她 是折了雙翼無歸期的天女
這樣的故事簡單而純淨, 卻是人間哪得幾回聞?

↑ Helkivad_pilved_Kuresoo_kohal.jpg
照片地點:Soomaa National Park, Estonia
作者:Martin Koitmäe
Music updated on 11 July 2013 via Xuite.com.tw
web: http://vlog.xuite.net/play/UmhXckNrLTI0NzU2NDYuZmx2
找不到原來屬意的Violin音樂添加進來, 所以在Xuite挑了Kenny G的演奏嚕~~