Smangus, Jianshi—a Atayal village with 28 families which is located at altitude 1,600 meters in Jianshi Shiang,Hsinchu County. It is famous for it’s ancient cypress trees,bamboo,water-fall,and mist in valley.
Before the giant trees were discovered in this area, Smangus village was completely cut off from outside of the world. There’s nothing to promote the village but only air, water-fall and falling leaves, whish is the reason it’s known as “darkness village” and now it’s “God’s village”.

↑ Smangus village, took on 12 September 2010.
One interesting history of development in this village, this area had not have electricity until 1979. The only road that lead to outside of the world was completed in 1995. Still, the houses that made of wood or bamboo are exist in Smangus village today, all besides the visitor center and café shop. A store that sell sodas, crackers, and souvenir is managed by an old woman(maybe two old women). It is a significant wooden house with 2nd floor, both spaces are non-smoking.
Since I spent several days on weekend in August to drive on the road in Hengshan and Jiashih of Hsinchu County, just reallized a little bit about the places that my father took me to…now, I take my kid to.

↑right way to drive to Smangus village, even it's Yufeng. Photo took on 11 September 2010.

↑ P1020782 a.jpg Tienpu village and the church, photo took on 11 September 2010.
11 September, 2010 (SAT)
I drove on Province highway no. 3 to Nawan, Hengshan Shiang, Hsinchu Couty in the morning, only bikers rode in front of my vehicle. Another 2.5 hours-driving shall take me from Nawan to the God’s village – Smangus. Rarely to find any company when I passed a point call “Frog Stone”, and the road actually become small. When I got to the sentry that guarded by a policeman of Jianshi Shiang, one simple film had to be filled to get the permit (ID need to be attached). Then, the road is full of sharp curves, I’d better to drive carefully. There’s a fork on the road of Taigan village, I took the left one, which is only 16KM and one-hour driving to lead me to Smangus. (Well, there’s only one road in, and out.) On 4KM~6KM, that’s the hardest part that I could drive-by, the road is on re-constructed that day.
The entrance stand in front of my eyes, it’s 13:00. Smangus village is there, right there and true there. When the cloud fall with thundershower, it’s 14:30. Rain falls after I enter this village, appreciated the nature and nature beauty.
I sat on the wooden chair and sipped my hot cocoa at a corner of café shop. What a time.

↑Thundershower in Smangus village on 11 September 2010.

↑ Photos took in the café shop when the rain fall on 11 September 2010.
Then, I watched the film, a video how to produce “Once Upon a Time (泰雅千年) directed by Mr. Chen Wen-bin (陳文彬)”. I’m supposed it is the first film and the only one film to tell us how importance the Atayal to get together in one piece if they want to live in the world, somehow, quarrel and conflict may comes from inside of the Atayal every so often. (You can learn more about it on the film’s website.)

↑Visitors come from different cities and they enjoy the supper at the restaurant in Smangus village. Photo took on 11 September 2010.

↑ They joined the activity in the church and learn the Atayal language, then, they singing...
12 September, 2010 (Sun)
Coreopsis and daylilis blossom on September, thundershower may grow them and make them strong. And, the bashful dust cover on them when mist fall. Dewdrops sparkled in the morning sun. That’s the gift from nature that every visitors could take from this village.
Some redident may get up on 3:30 in the morning and begin to walk to the giant trees, but I could ever never been, especially since I found the path way become as wide as my shoulders. The butterflies, the bugs and bamboo around me, encourage me to reach the water-fall and feel the moisture from the valley. Photos as underneath could tell.

↑↓ Dewdrops sparkled in the morning sun, photo took on 12 September 2010.

↑↓ One hour walking from Smangus village, the water-fall could help you relax. The air smell so good, just breath deeply.

↑ The image of blue sky and cloud is so colorful.
10:00am, check-out and say good-bye to Tnunan Smangus, when the Atayal are staying in the church. Only one way out Smangus, through the entrance guarded by no one.
Simple, fair and balance could ever lasting the story between……

↑The entrance guarded by no one, time to say good bye~~ And, see you next time.

↑↓ The Atayal hero stand there in Jianshi Shiang, which is a landmark could be find easily.
Photo took on 12 September 2010.

雷爸,*JoMa*,(砂子),楓葉,武道琴俠,Uncle,讀.冊.人,張若茵(Jo-Yin) ……等諸位常來造訪卻素昧平生的格友們,此文完成以各位的熱情與相伴。還有,我的二愣子老爸,以前他是這樣整天紅通通地, 皮膚黑到不行, 防曬油他有係數25~35, 只是那..罐子裡應該是裝了別的, 帽子+袖套以及遮陽傘可大囉, 只是那..女兒來檢查時才派上用場, 嗯..種田的通訊小兵走了以後, 只留下"效忠領袖"及梅花小別針兩個給女兒。也許..世界另一頭他還是依然故我曬太陽!
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