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2010-06-08 16:01:39| 人氣1,175| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

06072010 A letter beyond that

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背景音樂: 王力宏 你不在

(download via Vlog on Xuite.com.tw) 


Cheers雜誌: 綠角財經筆記:就是要計較 (Irretrievable Lost)

... 投資朋友,請體認到自己是拿剩下的報酬這個事實。 ... 我不覺得他們是朋友,更不覺得有必要待他們如家人。 ... 願上天賜福與這些待敵人如家人的朋友 (本文轉載自「綠角財經筆記」,授權天下雜誌網站刊登) ...




... 吾人在社會上,朋友,也有敵人 ... 三國時代,張飛「義釋嚴顏」,這種「化敵為友」的事蹟,成為歴史佳話;諸葛亮「七擒孟獲」,一次又一次的釋放他,為的是要「化敵為友」;齊桓公把敵對的管仲待如上賓,故能九合諸侯,一匡天下。




What’s up? doll.


Just have time to listen this, 王力宏 你不在, on Youtube now. The reunions with my classmates of college, of junior high set already. But, remembering someone said ‘待敵人如朋友 待朋友如敵人’ I’m really happy to know you when I was young, especially on those days I just started my career in Taiwan.


On those days you told me about the people I’m going to work with, on those nights you drove with me out on the road besides crops, or even just have drinks at nights… I’m supposed it could not find a true friend when we are adults, apperently there’s a friendship, maybe it’s a sisterhood between us.


Well, it’s been 18-year passed, did you marry with the guy you told me before? Have kids now? Still work in Taipei? (or somewhere in this planet, haha~) Do you still like the singer L.H. Wang the same as before? Have you been to the city that you wanna visit the most? …hey, there’s a gale who has asthma, presbyopia, joint-pain remembering the days belong to us, and, all beyond that.


Life threat us always not be the same way, that’s why we looks so different. Ok ok…it’s a moment that emotional and sensitive.


Take care and enjoy the sunny day.




07 June 2010

Ps. There’s a girl once called Lu, she likes YVR, Canada so much, who’s the one I want to say hi, too.


(photos about bench as underneath download via web, great images, ehhh?)


↑a park near downtown Boston, US. Nice shot~~


↑find something there, ehhh? What a sunny day.

↑ Well, nothing more to say~~

台長: WitchVera
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