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2007-01-22 03:00:16| 人氣22| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

It can’t be

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Please just wait
Keep believing in me

What did you say?
It can’t be,I beg your pardon?
Tell me more about it,you’re just joking,no way!
Calm down and everything will be ok!
Is he your type? You’ve got me

Show me your heart
Don’t be afraid
What Should I do?Tell me

If I don’t have you
l’m gonna lose my mind
Give me one more chance
So please understand
If I don’t have you
My heart would surely die

Please just wait
Keep believing in me

What are you talking about
We should finish what we started
Are you leaving already,don’t play hard to get
I’ll make your dreams come true I’m serious
There’s no turning back,I know that much

Show me your heart
Don’t be afraid
What should I do?Tell me

If I don’t have you
How can I live this life
Give me one more chance
So please give me a clue
If I don’t have you
Who’ll be the light of my life

Please just wait
Keep believing in me

Show me your heart
Don’t be afraid
What Should I do?Tell me

If I don’t have you
I’m gonna lose my mind
Give me one more chanece
So please understand
If I don’t have you

My heart would surely die

Please just wait
Keep believing in me

If I don’t have you
How can I live this life
Give me one more chance
So please give me a clue
If I don’t have you
Who’ll be the light of my life

Please just wait
Keep believing in me

Show me your heart
Don’t be afraid
What Should I do?Tell me

台長: 冷火
人氣(22) | 回應(0)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊)

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