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2008-04-20 07:55:17| 人氣146| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

what a ironic spring

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i cant believe that this things happened on me
when spring break i went back to canada is snowing
that i could under stand because that i knew we are in a high latitude but how about now??
still snow and snow for a week
it should be spring not a cold stupid snowing day
some said the years before in April it was fucking hot like the hell
but this year might be the global warming so it melt the ice burgs ay the north pole and it tooks of the heat of the sunlight so thats the stupid reason that we still wear the winter clouthes!!
and that i cant believe i am going to Quebec for studying next year
and there are much colder than here see how pathetic is my life!!

台長: 蔡胖胖
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