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2003-11-17 20:52:02| 人氣86| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Dover White Cliff , Canterbury Cathedral (Day 2.)

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I knew I am so tired. So, I woke up very late next

morning. My friend cooked breakfast for me, we

had that, and talked for a while. And then, we took

bus to one of my purpose “Canterbury”. I should

say, ‘coz I had visited many cathedrals before. So,

Canterbury Cathedral doesn’t give me too much

surprise. And it’s not a religious town anymore.

In my personal opinion, it becomes a shopping

place. But when I visited the cathedral, there were

many people practiced some carols or something.

For an atheist like me, it’s a special experience.

And, of course, I went to some stores for buying

something. And I wanna say thanks for my

friend’s friends. They barrow us the member’s

cards, so, we entered the cathedral without paying

the tickets!

台長: 左岸拂曉
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