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2005-01-22 00:28:21| 人氣44| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Something Big Big Shock About Dr. Lui…

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This fucking bastard just called me

and told me a “tiny” news.

“He wanna get married!”

Juses Fucking Christ!

What a shock!

So, right now I can tell all my friends that they lose a

bloody good chance to become Mrs. Lui.

I suppose all the lovely nurses will cry hard for couple of days.

Meanwhile, also wanna say sorry to Dr. Lui.

I am very sure that you are not a gay now!

No matter what, she will be the most lucky bride to marry you.

Now, as your mate, I will give you whole my truly care and say

Congratulation, God damn bastard!

台長: 左岸拂曉
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