Dear Mama:
I do believe that all your family do is just
want you have a better life. And that's I'll try
my best to share with you. Even though there are
so many problems, but, just like what I told you
last night. The only thing I need is your support.
During these four years, we overcame so many problems.
'till now, everything seems gonna be fine. But, you
told me that you don't wanna keep it going, wanna
escape the pressure from family. Just wanna tell you,
if you think what in your plam is good, hold it hard!
Don't let it go! So, I think now I got the quality to
say that I love you. Give me a bit time, let me prove
that I can be your Mr. Something not so Right. Really!
I trust myself I can do it,so if it's right...
Say you will do it for us, ok?
It would never ever be too late...
Wesley Papa.....