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2007-06-09 15:02:11| 人氣67| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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All of you are cheater...

You have ever said that..I am your very very ...best Fd...

But you betryed me again and again......

I was very disappointed.....

You said to me :”you had varied yourself...NOT the same as before...””

NOW....I want to tell you...Everyone is growng up...

All of us have varied ourself ....

CAN YOU make sure that yourself will not be varied forever??

The other one...

”X” has ever said that ”X” loves me very much....

Now....there is a ””`s picture ....that`s no the first time....

All of you are cheater!!!!!!!!!!

I hate you !!!

台長: ┌v °尐豬蚊ぐ..
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