M: babe _ *
M: where are U ?
SA: i am at home
M: with who ?
SA: with 阿伯 媽
M: what are U going to do tomorrow ?
SA: no where
M: cram school ?
SA: no ~~~~~~~ hahah
M: sasa together ?
SA: okay ~~ where do you want to go ?
M: no where , just with U
SA: oh sososososo sweat ~~
M: I just finish a big test today
M: I want to relax
SA: what a big exam?
M: like our last summer vacation
M: typing
M: chinese & Eng
SA: OH!!
M: what’s your mom doing ?
SA: THEY WENT TO chong yuan
M: wow - // -
M: !!!
SA: why?
M: nothing , just SO easy going ~~ -//-
SA: cool = = where is small ghost?
M: small ghost
M: disappear ~~~
SA: = =+ you know what i said right?
M: ^ is that spell wrong - -
M: ?
M: I know~~
SA: = =+ spell wrong? which word?
M: can we go for a walk ? or you are too tired to walk ~~ ?
M: disappear
SA: it’s right
SA: are you ok? you feel something wrong@@
SA: what happened?
M: really - - ?
M: I don’t know I don’t think so ~
M: can we go for a walk ? or you are too tired to walk ~~ ?
SA: oh right ** no i feel good !!! i slept all afternoon
SA: right now?
M: yeah~
SA: can you wait for minutes
SA: i want to take a shower
M: ofcourse
M: me too -//-
SA: i call you later , okay?
M: see you later
SA: bye-bye sweaty * *
M: ^ ^
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