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2007-12-20 20:11:48| 人氣141| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【Gimme more】

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It’s Britney, bitch
I see you’
And I just want to dance with you

Every time they turn the lights down
Just want to go that extra mile for you
You got my display of affection
Feels like no one else in the room (but you)

We can get down
Like there’s no one around
We keep on rockin’
Keep on rockin’
Cameras are flashing
While we’re dirty dancing
They keep watching
Feels like the crowd was saying

Gimme, Gimme more
Gimme, More…..

The center of attention
Even when we’re up against the wall
You’ve got me in a crazy position
If your on a mission
You got my permission

We can get down
Like there’s no one around
We keep on rockin’
We Keep on rockin’, rockin’
Cameras are flashing
But we’re dirty dancing
They keep watching
Feels like the crowd was saying

Gimme, Gimme more
Gimme, More…..

I just can’t control myself
Do you want more’
Well I’m good for more

Gimme, Gimme more
Gimme, More…..

Give me more, give me more
Give me more, give me more babe (danja danja, danja)
I just want more!

Gimme, Gimme

Bet you didn’t see this one comin’
The incredible Ligo
The legendary Miss Britney Spears
And the unstoppable Danja
You’re gonna have to remove me
Cause I ain’t goin’ nowhere


台長: ●Blind Wendy*
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