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2009-01-25 20:36:52| 人氣42| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

in korea first day~~~

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at2:10a.m i fly away to Korea..Is very tired,My body is very uncomfortable~*
in Korea's time:around 6:30a.m arrived Korea lar..
So great,cos i saw a lot of ice.. this is my first time.so exciting..
and then we're waiting something and we buy Korea's Mcdonald.hahaa.. same of  Macau(I think so)

and then we go to ice world. there is very very very funny,,
these ice have diffenert model~
the best intererting is i have try to make ice.. is very difficult for me~*

lunch is:(o iioh hgdi bkog) that no very good..juz ok~
we take the car had 4hour to go our resort .. There is very big,,,
hahaa.. and when i go my room.. oh.. very very very Big ah!haha..
the room like a house. have 3 bedroom, 2 washroom, ....well done.
about 6:00p.m , we go to rent  icetool,and then have a dinner.
this is shabushabu.. haha.. but i also think the tastes is good more before..hahaha~

finally i go back my resort~' the first day in Korea i feel good.
but i think i like a foolish,coz i don't know how to communication with Kr's PPL



today fall down ice in all day~


finally i miz my LG






台長: ˇ水’☼
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