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2008-01-03 17:46:08| 人氣33| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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very sleeply ,i don’t get up so early but can’t.
anyway,don’t care cold or hot weather,i must study!

i want to sleep anytime because today is very cold.^^
my lunch is chicken wings noodles.delicious!
1:15 i had had P.c Lesson,sir is very angry with my class.

after school,Lg so early let me bk hm,so bad.
anyway,i know u juz want get more time to ready ur basketball match.
i hope u can win the game,really!! my husband! >3<

if my mum and dad come back tonight,i will with them to buy L.V bag.
i really hope i can buy a L.V bag. HAHAHA.. let me make a dream,XD

台長: ˇ水’☼
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