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2010-10-15 22:59:58| 人氣309| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Eric Clapton - Change The World

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Eric Clapton-Change The World

If I can reach the stars,
Pull one down for you,
Shine it on my heart
So you could see the truth:

That this love I have inside
Is everything it seems.
But for now I find
It's only in my dreams.

And I can change the world,
I will be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world.

And if I could be king,
Even for a day,
I'd take you as my queen;
I'd have it no other way.

And our love would rule
This kingdom we had made.
Till then I'd be a fool,
Wishing for the day...

That I can change the world,
I would be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world.
Baby if I could change the world.

I could change the world,
I would be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world.
Baby if I could change the world.
Baby if I could change the world.

Eric Clapton在還不滿二十歲的時候, 就開始在倫敦的各俱樂部演出, 並且加入了非常著名的團體"Yardbird"(這個團存在的時間不長, 但被稱為"英國三大吉他手"的Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck與齊柏林飛船Led Zepplin的吉他手Jimmy Page卻都待過這個團), 很快的就在這行闖出了名氣, 在倫敦的街上也就有死忠的樂迷留下了"Clapton is God"的塗鴉 (如下面連結的圖):


除了"吉他之神"外, 其實Eric Clapton還有一個著名的外號叫做"Slowhand". 指的可不是他彈得慢 (聽到台灣有很多人是這麼以為的! 還有人會解釋說是因為他彈得很慢卻很有感情所以叫Slowhand云云....)! 主要是因為Eric Clapton早期主要的樂風是藍調, 而演奏藍調就常常會運用推弦(bending)的技巧, 所以常常就表演到一半彈斷弦. 可是他老兄又不急, 就在台上給你慢慢磨, 慢慢換....所以底下的觀眾就會拍手鼓噪: "Slowhand! Slowhand!"這也就是此一綽號的由來, 後來也成了Eric Clapton的一張專輯的名稱.


台長: Janetaue
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