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2004-12-03 11:39:51| 人氣181| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Cleanin Out My Closet

Where’s my snare?
I have no snare on my headphones
There you go
Yo yo

Have you ever been hated, or discriminated against?
I have, I’ve been protested and demostrated against
Picket signs for my wickid rhymes, look at the times
Sick of this mind, of the mother fucking kid that’s behind
All this commotion, emotions run deep as oceans exploding
Tempers flaring from parents just blow em off and keep going
Not taking nothing from no one, give em hell long as I’m breathing
Keep kicking ass in the morning, and taking names in the evening
Leaving with the taste of sour with viniger in they mouth
See they can trigger me, but they’ll never figure me out
Look at me now, I betcha prolly sick of me now
Ain’t you mama, I’ma make you look so ridiculous now

I’m sorry mama
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant make you cry
But tonight, I’m cleaning out my closet
One More Time

I’m sorry mama
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant make you cry
But tonight, I’m cleaning out my closet

I got some skeletons in my closet
And I dont know if no one knows it
So before they throw me inside my coffin and close it
I’ma expose it, I’ll take you back to ’73
Before I ever had a multi-platinum selling CD
I was a baby maybe I was just a couple of months
My faggot father must’ve had his panties up in a bunch
’Cause he split, I wonder if he even kissed me goodbye
No I don’t, on second thought I just fucking wished he would die
I look at Hailey, and I couldn’t picture leaving her side
Even if I hated Kim, I grin my teeth and I try to make it work
With her atleast for Hailie’s sake I maybe made some mistakes
But I’m only human but I’m man enough to face them today
What I did was stupid, no doubt it was dumb
But the smartest shit I did was take the bullets outta that gun
Cause I’d of killed em, shit I would’ve shot Kim and them both
It’s my life, I’d like to welcome ya’ll to the Eminem show

Now I would never diss my own mama just to get recognition
Take a second to listen for who you think this record is dissing
But put yourself in my position, just try to invision
Witnessing your mama popping prescription pills in the kitchen
bitching that someone’s always going through her purse when shit’s missing
Going through public housing systems, victim of munchasen syndrome
My whole life I was made to believe I was sick when I wasn’t
’Til I grew up, now I blew up it makes you sick to your stomach, doesn’t it?
Wasn’t it the reason you made a CD for me, ma?
So you could try to justify the way you treated me, ma?
But guess what, your getting older now and it’s cold when your lonely
And Nathan’s growing up so quick he’s gonna know that your phoney
And Hailie’s getting so big now, you should see her, she’s beautiful
But you’ll never see her, she wont even be at your funeral *hahaha*
See what hurts me the most, is you wont admit you was wrong
Bitch, do your song, keep telling yourself that you was a mum
But how dare you try to take what you didn’t help me to get
You selfish bitch, I hope you fucking burn in hell for this shit!
Remember when Ronnie died and you said you wished it was me?
Well guess what, I am dead, dead to you as can be

離家出走 中翻

你有沒有曾經被僧恨或歧視 我有
這些暴動就如大海一樣爆發 我會繼續下去 我才不鳥這些父母的憤怒
只要我活著 我咒他們下地獄 從早到晚
我會給你好看 我在他們嘴裡像醋一樣酸(我是他們得眼中釘肉中刺)
但他們永遠搞不清我 看著我吧 我敢賭你們已經很厭惡我
對吧老媽 我可要讓你出糗啦

對不起媽媽 我並不想傷害你
我並不想讓你哭 但我要離家出走

我不知道有沒有人瞭 所以在別人定我罪之前 我要搶先暴料
我要帶你們回到1973年 在我還沒有任何白金唱片之前 我是個小嬰兒
才幾個月大 我那孽種老爸 夾著尾巴逃之夭夭 拋妻棄子
不知道他是否有跟我吻別 喔不 我才不稀罕 我希望他去死
我看著海莉無法離開 即使我恨Kim 我會為了海莉咬緊牙根忍下去
或許我犯了錯 但我只是個凡人 我有勇氣面對錯誤 我做了件笨事
沒錯這真的很蠢 幸好我聰明把子彈先拿出來 要不然我可能會宰了他們
這是我的人生 歡迎來到阿姆秀 我才不會利用我老媽來成名 注意聽這首歌
我不是存心要詌詨 但你設身處地的替我想想 看到你老媽在廚房裡嗑藥
老被她栽贓是小偷 這是一個家庭悲劇症候群 我從小就被迫相信自己是個怪胎
一直到我長到 但是我搞砸了 這讓你很反胃
是吧 媽 這不就是你要出CD 的原因嗎?
但你知道嗎 你越來越來老 孤獨的時候會覺得吧
Nathan 很快就長大了 你應該看看她 他好漂亮 但你永遠見不到她
傷我最深的就是你 你從不認錯 賤人
做你的音樂 說你是個好媽媽 你怎麼有臉拿我的錢
我又不是你扶養長大的 你這自私的賤人 我希望你在地獄裡被火焚
記得 Ronnie 死的時候 你說過希望死的是我 你知道嗎 我是死了




總是替所有的人吶喊不平 為自己的遭遇反擊

愛情 親情 友情 科技 思想 都是自以為是的我們創造出來的垃圾

台長: 閃靈肥企鵝
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