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2008-08-17 16:24:38| 人氣104| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

T R Y H a R d e r

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many years ago, a stranger said“thank you , lovely”to me

she was a benevolent ma’am

I think I like to hear it .

'' L O v e l y  ''

when I’m down for life, I should think about this.

what is you always dream of

knowing it exactly

you should try harder

make yourself better

then you’ll get what you deserve

remind yourself all the time .

this is not you really want at prsent

you know the shape of desire

now the things just make you feel so pathetic

back to the origin

I wanna be what I wish to be

no one can judge me

as I cant judge anyone

can only choose to colse with

or walk away

I go for my goal

the goal is the SUN of my life .

台長: wise.暄
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