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2010-12-16 05:43:29


感慨同學遠從加州傳了份PPS看了除了標題所列的感慨 還加上心酸與鼻酸想想我們自己還是幸福多了川震時 我 們負責災區影像分析足足忙了一個半月因此被大陸媒體稱為 "最牛的..."清海地震時 大約是一星期看到的 遠非88風...

2010-12-04 08:12:12


試著想睡著胃部一陣陣的翻絞坐起來還是一樣Physical or functional?無言 .........

2010-11-26 06:48:39

Turkey's day.....

I never realized that yesterday was the turkey's day.When did i last time really enjoy this special day?Turkey's day was supposed to be a day of joy.But this one gave me the feeling of "Time flies wit...

2010-11-25 06:51:14

What a peaceful place for the mind and heart....

Found the old pictures taken when spending the lovely summer days in Ely.Oldy, goody.Yes.This is the best I ever took. And what a colorful fall in Ely.Air was cool and fresh on the lake.Of course, Ph...

2010-11-19 06:52:54

Steve Hanks & my life

無意中從朋友那裏收到 Steve Hanks 作品組合起來的PPS真希望人生就如同他的作品想表達的溫馨 平順 安詳 悠閒應該多放幾張放http://www.stevehanksartwork.com/

2010-11-16 06:39:42

中年危機? 撞牆? 還是徬徨?

連著五天胃痛勉強打起精神 還是痛 痛到反胃 痛到雙腳發軟中醫最後結論 "應該不是潰瘍 或是消化道問題 ....""比較可能是胃經攣 ....."胃抽筋 抽了四五天? OMG中醫師 一邊把脈還一邊說 "你的血壓還很正常 120 80, 心跳...

2010-11-03 16:48:30


Sounds very scaring.Am I going to be a piece of wood or what?無法真正理解醫生說了一堆專有名詞來描述肩膀與兩隻大臂痠痛的成因與關聯性OK 我當初就是怕見血光不念醫科 不用說太多我聽了似懂非懂的詞兒再加上 背...

2010-11-03 16:32:50

Virus, another virus ....

The first sign was the moue.That poor tiny mouse began to slow down, lagging, and doing some little funny things.The next victim was the explorer. That big guy fell to the ground right away.I knew it ...

2010-10-29 05:39:52

No way ......... Don't quit on me.

Suddenly I realized how awful my body has been.Trying to keep it up.But it quited on me from time to time since late July.When I look at these old pictures, I miss the days when it worked properly, th...

2010-10-20 12:44:38

You aint no lonely , old guy.....

It made my eyes watering when i saw the small cake with candle on top.Tried to act as normal as possible.Kids were really sweet, though they did not have to.Then my mailbox was flooded by messages fro...

2010-10-18 06:51:02

Hey, old man ........

Am I an old guy? Yes, for sure, I am indeed.Get used to that was not easy.Used to be able to hopping along the sidewalk when I walked.Sometimes I would do the same hopping thing as I used to 10 years ...

2010-10-15 07:09:14

Friends .....

Just saw a post on Cheryl's wall about friends.Not just ordinary friends. It is about everlasting friends.Somewhat, I felt kind of lonely when I read her post.Yes, real friends might be out of contact...

2010-10-08 22:31:49


胃在絞痛心口也悶痛 心中更痛心裡充滿了無奈也有更多的不忍與不捨都是那麼的痛休息區只有夜歸的人我卻不屬於那一群我感覺不到我該屬於哪裡對於下一步該落在哪裡 第一次我覺得茫然憤怒與痛 混合起來的感覺 無法形容比...

2010-09-30 06:18:55


投資理財有停損點人生有停損點嗎?究竟要到甚麼層度才該喊停?難 難 難課可以停開會可以不去班可以請假股票基金可以認賠殺出人生呢?王文華 你可以說說看 人生的停損點究竟在哪裡?無奈與無力似乎想當個放牛班的頑童也不...

2010-09-29 18:22:31


屏東基督教醫院心臟外科主治醫師蔡朝仁提出過勞死10大徵兆 包括三高(血壓、血脂、血糖)、禿頭、腰酸背痛、性慾減退或經期混亂、頻尿、腹瀉、記憶力減退、心算能力減退、注意力不集中、失眠、頭暈頭痛和易怒等...

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