Special Tickets
A whole variety of day passes is available for the Tokyo area. Day passes are sold at train stations and vending machines and are valid from the first train in the morning until the last train in the evening.
Tokyo Free Kippu (1580 Yen)
Unlimited use of all subway lines (Toei and Tokyo Metro) and JR trains in the central Tokyo area on one calendar day. It is also valid on buses and streetcars operated by Toei.
Toei and Tokyo Metro One-Day Economy Pass (1000 Yen)
Unlimited use of all subway lines (Toei and Tokyo Metro) on one calendar day.
首選★★★Tokyo Metro Open Ticket (1-day: 600 or 710 Yen; 2-day: 980 Yen) ★★★
Unlimited use of the eight Tokyo Metro subway lines, but not the four Toei subway lines. A regular one day pass costs 710 Yen, while a tourist version is available for 600 Yen (one day) and 980 Yen (two consecutive days). The tourist version is only available at Narita Airport and through travel agents across Japan except in Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa, Saitama, Yamanashi, Gunma, Tochigi and Ibaraki Prefectures.
Toei One-Day Economy Pass (700 Yen)
Unlimited use of the four Toei subway lines, buses and streetcars on one calendar day. It is not valid on the eight Tokyo Metro subway lines.
Tokunai Pass (730 Yen)
Unlimited use of JR trains in the central Tokyo area on one calendar day.
Holiday Pass (2300 Yen)
Unlimited use of local and rapid JR trains in the greater Tokyo area (including Yokohama and Kamakura) on one calendar day. It can only be used on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and certain holiday seasons. Click here for more details.
Prepaid cards don't give you any discounts, but they make the process of taking trains easier, as you do not always need to buy a ticket before riding a train. Prepaid cards can be purchased at vending machines.
Passnet (1000, 3000 and 5000 Yen)
Passnet are prepaid cards that can be used on almost all trains and subways in the Tokyo area with the prominent exception of JR trains. They are available for 1000 Yen, 3000 Yen and 5000 Yen.
To use Passnet, insert the card into the ticket gates, and the required fee will be withdrawn automatically. If the remaining amount on the card is not sufficient anymore, you can use it at vending machines to buy another ticket.
Suica (from 1000 Yen)
Suica is a prepaid IC card that can be used on JR trains in the greater Tokyo, Sendai and Niigata areas, on the Tokyo Monorail and on the Rinkai Line. Suica can also be used in place of an Icoca Card on JR trains in the Kansai region.
A refundable 500 Yen deposit is applied when you initially get a Suica card. Afterwards, you can re-charge it at vending machines. To use Suica, you do not insert your card into the ticket gate slot, but only hold it close to the Suica sensor, which is attached to the ticket gate. The required fee will then be automatically withdrawn.