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2006-11-12 18:20:30| 人氣145| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

English Enrichment Exercise

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 I have been ”putting a premium on” Mr.Depp (and, of course, on his films) though he seems ”eccentric” to some other people.

 My dear friends, tell me, have I made you feel ”bombarded with” information about Mr.Depp these days?

 Believe me, I’m not going to turn the conversation into ”monologue”. So for any case it may be, I will stop it.

 However, you are always welcome to talk about him to me. Ok, Ok, I really won’t hold a ”relentless” talk.

台長: 伯古
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全站分類: 校園社團(社團、班級、校友會、同學會) | 個人分類: 大學之道 |
此分類下一篇:The High Cost of Loving
此分類上一篇:Dec 21, 2005

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