吃完喜酒後的那晚, 我們停在一間小教堂的停車場, 很可憐的睡在車上。
怎麼會這樣? 唉, 沒有足夠資訊而下的錯誤決定。
和席上新郎的朋友聊天, 兩個月前在hotel.com訂的房間, 他們前一天半夜的飛機, 結果到旅館發現黑漆嗎烏一片, 旅館竟然在整修! 痛譙hotel.com白爛到沒事先通知他們, 只好到處找旅館, 竟然都訂滿了, 他們找到凌晨3點多, 才找到一個很破爛的將就待個幾晚。
吃完喜酒後S&L要我們參加他們之後的狂歡, 應該就是聊天加酩酊大醉。 呵呵, we have something else in mind~
我們婉拒說第二天一大早就得到機場, 最好還是乖乖回營地。 等下次到西雅圖再好好和他們聚聚, 而且要聽他們到牙買加度蜜月的故事。
算算看, 10點的飛機, 5點就要起床, 20分鐘打包, 開約一個半到兩個小時去還車, 然後大概8點半到機場, 累… 不如當晚坐渡輪到西雅圖, 可以看西雅圖美麗的夜景, 找個靠近還車的小旅館待一晚, 就不用那麼早起了。 多完美的計劃B, 二話不說, 回營地打包!
9點多到渡輪口, 發現下一班要到子夜, 凌晨1點多才會到西雅圖, 只好繞一大圈開到西雅圖。 交通很順, 過 Tacoma沒多久就開始留意旅館, 問的幾間都客滿, 11點多了耶, 他們的電話還響個不停, 開始有不好的預感… 一路北上, 問了十幾家, 都客滿, 有一家跟我們說那個週末西雅圖辦Sea Festival, 從西雅圖以南50哩一直到加拿大邊境, 所有的旅館都爆滿… 天哪…
往東找了一找, 一樣全都滿, 好了, 得露宿街頭了。 我們找了幾個neighborhoods, 都覺得有點可怕, 後來看到一個小教堂, 想有上帝或瑪利亞保佑會比較好。 雖然睡車上不舒服, 睡睡醒醒的, 不過睡得比想像中好。 5點多起來去海邊晃晃, 我還是睏得要死, 大衛精神倒挺好, 清晨的海邊, 美得很安靜。
881西雅圖, 881 Mt. Rainier, 下次再見囉!

Anonymous said...
Hi Hi...testing 123
9/30/2006 7:37 AM
Anonymous said...
Yeah...i can leave a comment now...
how are ya? Vera and Dave? It’s Tiff lah...
i’ve suddenly have the urge to click your webpabe today and found out you’ve got a new blog...it’s great..full of beautiful photos without having to worry about the uploading limit...
And i just learned about that you’ve got yourself a new job, way to go girl....but also the evil things about that Russia bitch..oops language...ya, don’t you hate to have that kind of boss or even ”animal” around you? bummer..
but then again, you’ve still got a great family there to support you, so add oil, my girl! Show the Russians what you’re made of !!
I enjoyed your travel stories so much, especially the ones to the woman lake house, so pretty, the balcony, what a great life!!
As for me, i’m transferred from Marketing to be a Sales now (still with Kraft). You must be surprised, but i just thought it’s a good opportunity to learn something else when i still can. I might go back to Mktg in future, who knows?
Love life, a bit complicated now, but will brief you next time on the phone...too long to tell in a comment...ha ha...
Miss u girl, and hope you’ll have a great Moon Festival there, i’ll be traveling to Germany with a girlfriend from 5 to 14/Oct. Hope to take a break..anyway, have fun and talk to ya next time...
9/30/2006 7:47 AM
AloeVeraPie said...
Hey baby Tiff~
It’s so nice to get a sweet message from you! I’m gald you like my blog. We’re doing fine but super busy. People at my work are getting better, I hope they’ll stay like that until I leave. Haha, that’s the spirit, add oil!
Sales might be a better fit for you. It’s always nice to try different things before you settle down. Isn’t it?
I’ll try to call when I have a chance, on your way to work maybe, to do some catch-ups~
Miss you tons too! You have an awesome time in Germany. Can’t wait to hear what’s going on in your trip!
Hugs and kisses,
10/01/2006 10:46 AM