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2020-04-29 04:42:57| 人氣397| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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 SACRAMENTO (CBS SF) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom offered additional details Tuesday on plans for the state’s economic recovery from the effects of coronavirus pandemic, saying some businesses, schools and child care facilities could be weeks away from reopening.

Newsom said Tuesday progress had been made in each of the six key indicators to that would lead to the shelter-in-place order being lifted in California, leading to some cautious optimism about the ability to begin the process of modifying the stay-at-home order. But he warned that Californians need to keep up with the practices that have gotten the state to the point where modifications are now within reach.

台長: uni2019
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全站分類: 海外旅遊(國外、大陸)

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