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2008-08-03 12:05:23| 人氣94| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My best friend

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Friendship plays a very important role in our life. Good friends can make your life wonderful. Everyone has friend. I have my best friend, too. A friend would give a cheer, while we feel upset. A friend would give a hand, while we have problem and troubles. We usually help each other.

My best friend is a girl. Her name is “****”. She is dark.****
is original resident. She has short hair, and big eyes. She is very nice, and friendly. I meet her during fifth grade.
We usually dance, sing, read, and play the guitar together. Her hobbies are dance and play the guitar. My hobbies are dance and play the guitar, too. So we practice together. **** is my best friend.

台長: ╬×魁影嵐
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