
Royal Mail新聞稿自己就說:
We always like tostart the year with a classic and this year we’re launching our Special Stampprogramme with ten, in one very special issue – British Design Classics.
為什麼大家都想要來英國學設計?我想這套郵票也說出一些道理來,英國人設計了很多20世紀最代表性的Iconic designwork,他們還找了很多專家來幫忙決定投票最後的Top10最代表英國的經典設計,從大家最熟析的英國雙層巴士、紅色電話亭、服裝設計瑪莉官Mary Quant、Mini車…等!
1st Class – Supermarine Spitfire
The superlative Battle of Britain fighter with its distinctive elliptical wingswas designed by R J Mitchell who sadly died before the plane went intoproduction.

1st Class Large – Mini Skirt
Mary Quant rewrote the fashion rules for women forever with her daring design.

1st Class – The Mini
Sir Alec Issigonis made use of every available space in the small car that wasas much a fashion statement as a means of transport.

1st Class – Anglepoise Lamp
George Carwardine’s flexible design brought light wherever it was needed.

1st Class – Concorde
Aerospatiale and BAC’s supersonic jet was capable of twice the speed of soundand beautiful to look at too.

1st Class – K2 Telephone Kiosk
Sir Giles Gilbert Scott’s design bright-red phone box always stood out on thestreets of the UK.

1st Class – Polypropylene Chair
Found in public buildings throughout the world, almost everyone will have saton a Robin Day chair at some time.

1st Class – Penguin Books
Edward Young’s book jacket design was instantly recognizable as a Penguinedition.

1st Class – London UndergroundMap
Harry Beck’s easy to understand design was based on an electrical wiringdiagram.

1st Class – Routemaster Bus
Once a symbol of London to visitors from all over the world now only a few ofDouglas Scott and Colin Curtis’s remain on London’s streets.

Source/pics from: Dezeen and Royal Mail