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2009-10-28 14:27:08| 人氣133| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Each Other

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maybe we need take a rest one day , a week , a mouth , or a while .......

How can I balance my mind ?And make you leave something bad before ?

It's difficult , right ?


Only you know yourself , I can't help anything !

I just can stay at you , follow you when you feel bad or unhappy !

I didn't think ours future even we were falling in love and be a lover

I swear I never think about that !


Take a breathe , and slow down our's step

Tomorrow would be wonderful

We didn't know how we change , bad or good

We just ask our heart and each other


An angel will stand by your side company with you listen to you


台長: Yan:D


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