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2006-07-14 07:59:38| 人氣44| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Roundtable Knowledge Walker八月向伊朗出發﹗

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收到阿婆的e貓,他們在八月份又準備出發去旅行! 今次的目的地是iran! 詳情如下:

Knowledge Walker 網址特設「伊朗資料」一欄,詳盡介紹伊朗近來的政局發展,Danish Cartoon事件、波斯文化和常見問題等。


- 首都德黑蘭
- 波斯古城 Persepolis
- 設拉子Shiraz Cyrus the great tomb
- 伊斯法罕 Esfahan 的伊瑪目清真寺及四十柱殿
- Abyaneh 歷史村落
- Kashan 魔毯之城,享負盛名

詳細行程: http://www.knowledgewalker.com/SpecTrip_EL.html

- 與當地居民及大學生交流
- 免費報讀伊斯蘭文化班
- 駐香港伊朗領事親身教授正宗伊朗文Farsi

八月廿三日 至 八月三十一日

$12500起 (全港最抵﹗七月廿一日前報名可獲特別優惠)


Roundtable 對所謂「邪惡軸心國」沒有癖好,但繼上次刺激好玩的北韓團後,湊巧,今次又再組團,希望從歷史、文化、藝術、政治各方面出發,誓要揭開伊朗神秘的面紗。

查詢詳情:dorachoi@roundtable.com.hk, 2111 5882 與Dora聯絡。

* 此行程以自行組團形式出發

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您經常問我roundtable的mission是什麼? 哈哈... 每次我都不會用官方post出來的原因去答您。事實上您要知,上他們的網頁就可以知道... =b 但昨晚我的答案,也很不錯吧!

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在他們的official website節錄的:

About Us

Roundtable (Hong Kong Avant-Garde Policy Research Institute) was established in October 2004. aiming at creating a straightly neutral platform for the new generations of HK to learn from one another’s comparative advantage, as well as for the younger members to learn from their fellow mentors. By providing multiple-media channels for the youth to learn, discuss and express their ideas and viewpoints, Roundtable positions itself to be a vanguard in implementing and actualizing a fundamental paradigm shift in the HKSAR.

An emphasis on self-reliance and responsibility, two of the core values of Roundtable, has inspired the organization to achieve self-sustainability by restructuring into Roundtable Enterprise and Roundtable Community in April 2006.

Diversity and multi-polarity are very much stressed by RG. Our members include young professors, accountants, doctors, political commentators, social workers, journalists, cultural workers, district councilors, civil servants, members from all the political groups in Hong Kong as well as all major university students local and abroad. We have also successfully invited a strong team of academic and societal advisors for the Group representing all major perspectives.


Roundtable (Hong Kong Avant-Garde Policy Research Institute) was established in October 2004, aiming at creating a straightly neutral platform for the new generations of Hong Kong to learn from one another’s comparative advantage. Roundtable positioned itself to be a vanguard in implementing and actualizing a fundamental paradigm shift in the HKSAR by providing multiple-media channels for the youth to learn, discuss and express their ideas and viewpoints. An emphasis on self-reliance and responsibility, two of the core values of Roundtable, has inspired the organization to achieve self-sustainability by restructuring into Roundtable Enterprise Limited and Roundtable Community Limited in April 2006.

Missions of Roundtable Enterprise Limited & Roundtable Community Limited can be found in their respective web sites.





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記得您昨日問我記不記得誰是莫乃光... 找到了他的個人資料(亦是在rt的website找到的,因為他會做guest speaker!)


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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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