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2013-12-08 21:01:20| 人氣3,144| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

一段發生在洲際酒店的故事 a story in intercontinental

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I still remember that night when I was the only guest in the lobby bar sipping a glass of Martini in the IC PNH. and he wear a green T shirt, walking to me and we star to chat. He went here for business, but I am tourist. Anyway what a beautiful night, then ...


Next day we have differe direction, I go angkor and he goes working. By the modern  IT, we still can chat on line.He said come back to PNH and we can meet together, but I ask him: would you want to go BKK for the songkron. And, supericiling, he agreed. And 3 days later we meet in BKK.

Both of us stayed in BKK IC for many times, but this is our first time to stayed together  Such a beautiful time, even we got total wet in the silom road, or sip glass of champaige in the club lounge.so wonderful.


Anyway after the crazy songkron, we still keep in touch and suddenly I make my mind to meet him in Melbourne, one month later I filght with cathay to melbourne. No matter in the beautiful mornington beach house, and the cute phillip island`s penguinge. magnificant great ocean road. And the the imporatant role of intercontinental Melbourne. Even in the samll lounge, still can hear our laughing. walking in the midnight city of malbourne, what`s a crazy trip in my life.Anyway I won`t regret,  I knew we will soon see each other again.


Quickly we meet again at BKK, Still in the so familiar hotel, Intercon, then we flight to Koh samui for beautiful beach escape, quite beautiful memory, no matter in the terrible hotel of koh nangyuan or the fancy hotel of intercontinental, I still remember the laugh, the chat, the samile in the amber bar. But I noted something changed, maybe I drank too much in this trip.


In november, we have our last trip to chiang mai. I never lost so much, but I know it`s the best trip in my life We go to the most romantic holiday in thailand, the laykroung , they not only release lantern in the river but also in the sky, We try very hard to get in to the center, finally we have a great memory at that moment. Then we go to sukothai and ayuthaya., wonder in the ruin. Then we go to dive in koh chang. He got so exerciting about it, although I am already advanced diver, I still want to dive with him, So happy to be with him even in the mercure, everything is so nice.

After five days we going back to BKK. again stay in BKK IC, so momorable. but every beautiful story must cam to an end. He said: just remember what good memory we have.

Yes this is the most beautiful memory in my life.



之前在深坑的holiday inn看過一個很愚蠢的大陸版廣告,演的很假,故事的大綱就是兩個陌生人在假日酒店遇到,相約三年後再次碰面。



故事的開始是發生在金邊的洲際酒店,這是第二次入住這間酒店,這次是跟兩位好友一起前往吳哥窟觀光,先在金邊過一夜,順便參觀一下金邊,晚上自己一個人到酒吧喝點小酒,就在這個時候那個人就這樣出現在我眼前,我還記得她穿著一件綠色T shirt,我們就在吧檯邊聊了起來,對方是個印尼華僑,住澳洲,這次是來金邊出差,目前看起來好像就是一般的邂逅,不過之後卻延伸出一段醉人心弦的ㄈㄈ尺之戀,還是要以文字記錄下這段夢幻卻又讓人心碎的回憶。


第二天兩個人雖然各自有各自的活動,不過拜現代科技所賜,還是可以傳遞訊息,我問對方再過幾天要不要飛來曼谷跟我過潑水節?對方神奇的答應了。4/12我們又見面了,這次是在曼谷的洲際酒店,這是兩個人都很熟悉的地方,兩人住過不下數十次,但卻是第一次一起度過,這兩天不管是在西隆路被潑的全身溼透透、還是洲際的club lounge 狂飲香檳都充滿的無限的浪漫,但美好的感覺終究有結束的一天,轉眼又要各分南北,再度演出淚灑機場,不過雖然相隔七千多公里,兩顆心卻沒有距離,藉著網路科技,戀情持續加溫,不再只是一夜情,一個月後我搭上國泰的飛機飛往墨爾本。


這一段是整個戀情最動人的地方,不管是在漫步在Mornington的沙灘小屋,還是Kilda beach的fish and chips, Philip island看企鵝, 大洋路的巨石群,當然也是少不掉墨爾本的洲際酒店,小小的club lounge充滿我們笑聲,深夜在熱鬧的市區漫步,還有任性的Sofitel 也來差一腳,check in 的時候再度展現我的不專業,最後一天漫步在royal garden,很像老夫老妻散步的感覺,不過快樂的時光還是很快告一段落,又到了機場送別,不過這次不再感傷,因為我們約定好七月會在泰國碰面。





台長: 苦哈哈旅行社
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百年修得同船渡,千年修得共枕眠 緣起不滅

送一首 席慕蓉 的詩給台長:

<一 棵 開 花 的 樹>

為這我已在佛前 求了五百年


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朋友啊 那不是花瓣
2013-12-22 21:12:27
沒錯,是我凋零的心,no regret,never
2013-12-30 18:06:39
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