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[新聞]2010-12-26~28 BEG相關新聞4則

2010-12-26 BEG佳仁親自到am演唱會應援



2010-12-27 NARSHA 被高中生告白

並攜帶網 址:www.browneyedgirlschina.com

Brown Eyed Girls的Narsha收到了一個高中生的告白。


2010-12-27 Brown Eyed Girls的成員Miryo在為solo初舞台做準備



While Brown Eyed Girls' comeback is scheduled for January, most of the members have been branching out into solo activities. Ga-In and Narsha both garnered positive responses to their solo works, while Jea has just announced that she will start promoting her debut solo album as well.

Brown Eyed Girls將於明年1月份回歸舞台,成員們都開始各自的單曲活動。佳仁和Narsha的單曲都得到了良好的回應,Jea也宣布將要推出她的個人全新單曲專輯。

Considering that all but Miryo have embarked on solo projects, curious netizens have started to ask, “Why doesn't Miryo have a solo album yet?”

這樣看來只有Miryo 沒有開始她的單曲項目,好奇的記者們都紛紛問及,“為什麼Miryo 沒有推出自己的單曲專輯呢?”

Responding to the issue, rpresentatives of Nega Network revealed through Newsen on December 27th, “Miryo is preparing for her solo album. Although we haven't decided on a set date or other details, we will be revealing them as soon as preparations are done .”

對於這個問題,公司代表於12月27日向記者宣布,“ Miryo 現在正在準備自己的單曲專輯,機關我們沒有安排具體的日期和詳細的日程,我們會盡快完成他們單曲的製作。”

They continued, “Since the Brown Eyed Girls are preparing for their comeback in January, Miryo's solo debut will probably be delayed to after the group's comeback.”

“自從Brown Eyed Girls 將在1月回歸舞台開始,Miryo的個人單曲也將在組合回歸之後推出。”

The Brown Eyed Girls briefly put a pause to their group activities, and have instead been seen on individual variety show appearances as well as performing solo tracks. Their comeback this coming January has many industry representatives hyping it as the 'return of the mature idols. '

Brown Eyed Girls 成員都暫停了組合活動,並且成員們都以自己的單曲在各種活動中表演。 “成人偶像”團體將在明年1月份正式回歸歌謠界。

2010-12-28 佳仁訪談:2010年大滿足,真正的理想型..


台長: Gene
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