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2009-09-03 18:43:30| 人氣93| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

nothing gana change....

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 why why
 im not ready to let you go
 dont do this
 im finding school very hard now and im under alot of stress
 that why i dont take to you cause im busy
 please understand
 that i still love
 love you

you break up with me?

i still love you alot

when you leave i will be very sad



"One thing you don't have to worry about is his generosity towards you. A Scorpio is not selfish. He is constantly trying to improve himself too. Once a Scorpio is in a relationship, mostly he will try whatever he can to control his emotions. He just doesn't want to lose his woman."



台長: Tina♥
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