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2021-10-28 09:09:29
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2021-12-16 12:36:18


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】做老闆,得失心要少一些,把誠心、信譽放在心上,便會有勝算。A boss should think less about profit and loss and more about honesty and reputation. This is the truestrategy for su...

2021-12-16 12:22:54


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】面對許多的情況,只管用智慧處理事,以慈悲對待人,而不擔心自己的利害得失,就不會有煩惱了。 Face whatever is in front of you, act with wisdom, treat people with compassion; forg...

2021-12-16 11:58:42


【聖嚴法師 ~ 心靈環保法語】操心就有事,放心便無事。Mind engaged – things to do.Mind let go – nothing to do. ---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen 恭錄自 法鼓山

2021-12-13 12:27:00

The Chant of Metta 慈经 (1999) by Imee Ooi 黄慧音

The Chant of Metta 慈经 (1999) by Imee Ooi 黄慧音 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4PtZMBDRf8&list=PL7Ou1isW31E9A7XEaw4JC9BkQmPTZJ4tO&index=70

2021-12-13 01:24:25


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】漫漫長夜無夢春宵短,茫茫苦海有船彼岸近。The dark and long nights are easy to pass with dreamless sleep, the other shore across the sea of suffering is easy to reach with the D...

2021-12-13 01:04:06


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】戒貪最好的方法,就是多布施、多奉獻、多與人分享。The best way to guard against greed is to give more, to extend yourself more,and to share more with others.El mejor méto...

2021-12-13 00:41:11


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】擁有的多,不一定讓人滿足擁有的少,不一定讓人貧乏。Great possessions don't necessarily bring satisfaction;few possessions don't necessarily lead to poverty.Mucha posesió...

2021-12-13 00:18:38


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】 盡心盡力第一,不爭你我多少。 Do your utmost – no matter who gains or loses. ---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen 恭錄自 法鼓山

2021-12-13 00:04:01


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】 盡心盡力第一,不爭你我多少。 Do your utmost – no matter who gains or loses. ---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen 恭錄自 法鼓山

2021-12-12 22:44:03


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】 知恩報恩為先,利人便是利己。 What is most important is to be grateful for what you've been given and repay in kind – to benefit others is to benefit ourselves. ---聖...

2021-12-12 22:32:19


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】 知恩報恩為先,利人便是利己。 What is most important is to be grateful for what you've been given and repay in kind – to benefit others is to benefit ourselves. ---聖...

2021-12-12 21:53:28


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】做人處事要「內方」而「外圓」,「內方」就是原則,「外圓」就是通達。When you interact with other people, be "square" within and "round" without. "Square" means to adhere to prin...

2021-12-12 21:33:14


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】 剛強者傷人不利己,柔忍者和眾必自安。 The obstinate afflict others and do themselves no good; the tolerant accord with others and bring peace to themselves. ---聖嚴法師 Mas...

2021-12-07 22:47:34


淨空法師:【用煩惱心修行,增長貪瞋痴】 有居士說:觀音菩薩念一遍大悲咒,就頓超十地,很靈,不能不念。好,你念了多少遍?一天念個十遍,念了好幾年,超十地沒有?還是凡夫。 為什麼超越不了...

2021-11-21 15:43:52


放生與護生動畫 戒殺吃素,就是不再和眾生結惡緣,放生則更進一步是廣結善緣。戒殺吃素是諸惡莫作,而放生是眾善奉行。 https://e.hwadzan.com/play?menuidparent=65&menuidchild=77&voice=&mp4=1&a...

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