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2021-10-28 09:09:29
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2022-05-24 06:53:19


現在瘟疫流行怎麼辦? https://www.facebook.com/sxamtb/photos/pcb.325125872331600/325125795664941/ 台北靈巖山寺雙溪小築 https://www.facebook.com/sxamtb/ 電子卡 http://www.amtb.tw/#/deskIndex 淨...

2022-05-22 18:55:21


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】凡是盡心盡力以利益他人來成長自己的人,便是一位成功者。What is the best way to make progress?Devote yourself to the benefit of others.This is the true measure of success.---聖嚴...

2022-05-19 05:53:35


其實愛心是給自己的|釋證嚴 https://www.master-insight.com/%e5%85%b6%e5%af%a6%e6%84%9b%e5%bf%83%e6%98%af%e7%b5%a6%e8%87%aa%e5%b7%b1%e7%9a%84/?fbclid=IwAR3ObO8Bbv7PihJB5qfllQ0wZ3a3YpZU-W2hpj9bVdkM1gtq-...

2022-05-12 09:59:39


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】要能放下,才能提起。提放自如,是自在人。When you can let it go, then you can pick it up. At ease letting it go or picking it up – then you are truly free.---聖嚴法師 Ma...

2022-05-12 09:40:42


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】要能放下,才能提起。提放自如,是自在人。When you can let it go, then you can pick it up. At ease letting it go or picking it up – then you are truly free.---聖嚴法師 Ma...

2022-05-12 08:20:29


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】話到口邊想一想,講話之前慢半拍。不是不說,而是要惜言慎語。About to speak? Think for a moment. Slow your speech a bit. It's not that you should not speak, but rather that you ...

2022-05-12 07:29:33


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】話到口邊想一想,講話之前慢半拍。不是不說,而是要惜言慎語。About to speak? Think for a moment. Slow your speech a bit. It's not that you should not speak, but rather that you ...

2022-05-12 07:12:26


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】四感:感恩、感謝、感化、感動。The four attitudes to take towards others: grateful, thankful, transforming, inspiring.---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen恭錄自 法鼓山

2022-05-12 06:51:53


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】四感:感恩、感謝、感化、感動。The four attitudes to take towards others: grateful, thankful, transforming, inspiring.---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen恭錄自 法鼓山

2022-05-11 11:15:38


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】遇到好事,要隨喜、讚歎、鼓勵,並且虛心學習。Rejoice when you encounter good, praise it, encourage it to spread, but take care to learn with an open mind.---聖嚴法師 Master Sh...

2022-05-11 11:05:39


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】遇到好事,要隨喜、讚歎、鼓勵,並且虛心學習。Rejoice when you encounter good, praise it, encourage it to spread, but take care to learn with an open mind.---聖嚴法師 Master Sh...

2022-05-11 10:50:54


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】感恩能使我們成長,報恩能助我們成就。With gratitude we grow; repayment of kindness leads to success.---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen恭錄自 法鼓山

2022-05-11 10:40:08


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】感恩能使我們成長,報恩能助我們成就。With gratitude we grow; repayment of kindness leads to success.---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen恭錄自 法鼓山

2022-05-11 10:21:47


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】提得起放得下,年年吉祥如意;用智慧種福田,日日都是好日。Able to pick it up and let it go, every year good fortune will surely follow; sow a field of blessings with wisdom, th...

2022-05-11 10:04:12


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】提得起放得下,年年吉祥如意;用智慧種福田,日日都是好日。Able to pick it up and let it go, every year good fortune will surely follow; sow a field of blessings with wisdom, th...

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