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2021-10-28 09:09:29
2021-09-22 19:48:55
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2021-09-23 10:38:47
2021-09-23 11:35:56
2020-01-19 12:02:46


有些人,不論有錢沒錢,自知福薄慧淺,便來惜福培福,供養布施,奉獻他人,結果便成了自利利人、悲智雙運的菩薩行者。⠀◎ 摘自:聖嚴法師《禪的世界》 恭錄自 法鼓文化-心靈網路書店

2020-01-19 11:56:34


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】任勞者必堪任怨,任事者必遭批評。怨言之下有慈忍,批評之中藏金玉。Work hard and others may resent you, take up a task and risk criticism; compassion lies within harsh words, tr...

2020-01-18 11:38:58


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】以退為進、以默為辯、以奉獻他人為成就自己的最佳方法。Retreat to advance; be silent to debate. These are the best methods to foster self development and to help others.---聖嚴法...

2020-01-17 14:59:58


超越六道輪迴,斷究竟苦(淨空老和尚開示) 我們如果對佛說的能相信,憑什麼相信?憑佛所說的。佛怎麼會說假話?妄語是佛門的大戒,不殺生,不偷盜,不邪淫,不妄語,佛教我們不妄語,他自己怎麼可能妄語?這是一...

2020-01-17 14:43:31



2020-01-17 14:31:12

將此深心奉塵剎 是則名為報佛恩

將此深心奉塵剎 是則名為報佛恩|淨空老和尚開示 https://www.youtube.com/watch… 中國人所謂的,傷害人命的你要賠命,擋人財路的你要破財。一飲一啄,莫非前定,要曉得因果報應一點都不假。我說我一生沒...

2020-01-17 14:26:43


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】不要拿自己的鞋子叫別人穿,也不要把別人的問題變成自己的問題。 Just as you would not ask others to wear your own shoes, don't make someone else's problems your own.---聖嚴法師 ...

2020-01-16 15:38:01


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】只要無所貪求,無所執著,即能保有尊嚴,他人是奈何不得的。With no greed and no grasping, you can maintain your dignity and be unaffected by others. ---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen...

2020-01-15 17:47:21



2020-01-15 12:03:09


水深千丈終見底,山高萬里海中昇。Even the deepest ocean is not bottomless, even the tallest mountain has a base, everything great starts small. 恭錄自 法鼓山

2020-01-15 11:59:01


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】人品等於財富,奉獻等於積蓄。Character creates wealth,giving creates savings. ---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen 恭錄自 法鼓山

2020-01-14 14:31:59


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】感謝給我們機會,順境、逆境皆是恩人。Be thankful at every opportunity good and bad fortune are both allies.---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen 恭錄自 法鼓山

2020-01-13 09:59:30


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】家庭的溫暖在於互敬互愛,家庭的可貴在於互助互諒。Warm is the family that lives in mutual love and respect. Cherish the family whose members help and understand one another.---...

2020-01-12 10:45:47


存善心、說好話、做善事的人,多半會受多數人的歡迎、愛戴和信任。假如今生並得不到外在環境的回饋,也沒有關係,還有無窮的來世,無限的前程。⠀◎ 摘自:聖嚴法師《智慧100》 恭錄自 法鼓山

2020-01-12 10:41:35


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】心裡如果「打結」了,最好能向內觀看自己的起心動念處。When your mind is tied into a knot, it is best to reflect deeply into the place where the mind arises and thoughts move.--...

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