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2021-10-28 09:09:29
2021-09-22 19:48:55
2021-09-23 02:25:21
2021-09-23 10:38:47
2021-09-23 11:35:56
2020-01-05 10:36:46


布施之後,自己不但要把布施一事忘掉,也不去想布施的原因或布施的對象,即布施之事以及布施的心,全都要放下來,這才是真正的布施。⠀◎ 摘自:聖嚴法師《修行在紅塵》 恭錄自 法鼓文化-心靈網路書店 ...

2020-01-05 10:30:29


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】人與人之間的相處之道,需要溝通,溝通不成則妥協,妥協不成時,你就原諒和容忍他吧。The way to get along with others is to communicate effectively. When communication fails, comp...

2019-12-28 10:51:51


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】學歷不代表身分,能力不代表人格,名位不代表品德,工作沒有貴賤,觀念及行為卻能決定一切。Education does not determine identity; competence does not determine integrity; fame doe...

2019-12-27 12:52:33


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】 道理是拿來要求自己,不是用來苛求他人。Demand right-minded conduct of yourself, do not use it as an excuse to harshly criticize others. ---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen 恭...

2019-12-27 12:46:20


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】智慧並不只是通曉經典,而是要有轉化煩惱的巧妙方便。Wisdom is not merely understandingthe sutras; it includes the skillfulmeans to transform vexations.---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng ...

2019-12-25 11:52:50


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】人生的旅程就是這樣起起伏伏、連綿不斷,人生也因此而精彩。摘自《生死皆自在》---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen 恭錄自 法鼓山

2019-12-24 11:16:54


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】遇到好事,要隨喜、讚歎、鼓勵,並且虛心學習。Rejoice when you encounter good, praise it, encourage it to spread, but take care to learn with an open mind. ---聖嚴法師 Master S...

2019-12-24 11:12:34


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】隨時隨地心存感激,以財力、體力、智慧、心力、來做一切的奉獻。Help others with the strength of your mind and body, with your wealth and wisdom – always and everywhere wit...

2019-12-19 13:48:51


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】煩惱即菩提,並不是說沒有煩惱,而是雖然有煩惱,但是你不以它為煩惱。Vexation is bodhi, but that doesn't mean there is no vexation. Vexations exist, but don't see them as vexati...

2019-12-18 16:22:43


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】提得起是方法、是著力的開始,放得下是為了再提起;進步便在提起與放下之間,級級上升。In approaching a method of meditation, once you can pick it up, you can begin to exercise ef...

2019-12-17 15:12:57


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】船過水無痕,鳥飛不留影,成敗得失都不會引起心情的波動,那就是自在解脫的大智慧。A boat passes, its wake disappears; a bird flies, its shadow departs. Whether you gain or lose, ...

2019-12-08 11:34:11

妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品 淨空老法師 主講

妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品 淨空老法師 主講 https://edu.hwadzan.com/play/08/4/0/264391 Youtube網址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G032gQYpkgA&list=PL7Ou1isW31E-848KDhnNRWUW64YM3H3zM&...

2019-09-12 21:40:04


淨空老法師學佛答問(摘自檔名:21-090-0006)   問:「在日常生活中舉心動念,應如何落實五戒、十善?」  答:你想想應該如何去落實五戒、十善?只要把十善業道做好,五戒自然在其中。最近我們在研討《十善業道經...

2019-09-12 21:10:11



2019-09-12 21:00:33


【聖嚴法師~心靈環保法語】擁有身心的健康,才是生命中最大的財富。A healthy body and mind constitute life's greatest treasure. ---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen恭錄自 法鼓山

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