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2010-10-08 09:41:35| 人氣391| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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小傢伙的記憶力很好. 學東西也很快. 一點即通. 不過他的觸類旁通偶爾會連結到你想像不到的地方. 蠻好笑的就是了. 例如有一次我問他要不要吃水餃時, 他好像發現新大陸一樣的跟我說是水餃還是睡覺. 他一雙眼睛捉狹的看著我我就知道他其實是故意的. 之後如果我說睡覺的話他就會說是水餃嗎? 真是皮. 有一次吃晚餐時他一直磨磨蹭蹭的不肯好好的吃. 我就假裝要吃他盤裡的食物. 好強的他又不肯讓我. 於是我們就玩起了用叉子搶食物的遊戲. 兩隻叉子逗來逗去的有一點像是擊劍. 他就忽然說這是叉子劍. 呵呵呵~ 這我倒是沒有想到. 還有另外一次在睡覺前我跟他說今天晚上我們要念的書是千字文. 他就說我們要牽牽還是不要牽牽? 千和牽是一樣的發音. 我還愣了一下才說. '嗯~ 好. 我們牽牽到房間去吧!'











在我們出入社區時這是一條必經的道路. 小傢伙看著濃密的樹蔭把天空都遮起來了. 他就說這是隧道樹. 給他這麼一說, 我忽然也覺得這一條路非常的特別.



以下是我在臉書上所記錄小傢伙的隻字片語. 一開始只是好玩而已. 不過一段時間之後再回來看這些片段覺得蠻有趣的.





My little guy all the sudden started cleaning the floor before the bedtime. (Squeeze everything at the front door) After he’s done, he said ‘I am a good cleaner.' I think whatever they do at school is really working. Now you know why I love his teachers!

有一天在上床之前, 小傢伙忽然說他要把玩具收拾好, 一邊收還一邊說他很會幫忙. 其實就是把玩具全部擠在門口. 哈哈~ 無論如何, 還是很感謝他學校的老師啊!






Little guy was crying and screaming during his entire 5 minutes timeout. When he finally calmed down and was able to talk again. He said “Did it stop raining?
I said “Yes. It did.”
“Is there a rainbow?” (There was one gorgeous rainbow in the sky yesterday after the rain.)
“Let’s see. Oh, there’s no rainbow today.”
He said ...“The rainbow is hiding behind the cloud.”
“Yes. It is honey. There is always rainbow somewhere.”

There is always rainbow somewhere...

這一天他被我罰站. 整整的五分鐘之內哭的稀哩嘩啦的沒有停過. 弄的我也是心煩氣躁的. 罰站完之後他也終於慢慢的平靜下來了. 他說要我抱他.

然後他忽然說 '雨停了嗎?'

我說 '是. 雨已經停了.' (之前在下雨)

他就說 '有彩虹嗎?' (前一天也下雨. 不過雨停了一後天空出現了兩道彩虹. 我剛好也幫小傢伙拍了一張照片.)

我跟小傢伙說 '哦, 今天沒有彩虹耶!'

小傢伙看著窗外說 '彩虹躲在雲的後面.'

'嗯~ 你說的是. 今天的彩虹是躲在雲的後面.'


其實每一天都有彩虹. 每一天都有.





Little guy made a comment about these black swans. He said “These ducks are pretty!”

小傢伙說 '哇~ 這隻鴨子好漂亮哦!'



Ting 一不小心竟然把她兒子的狗爬式學了起來. 今年的暑假算是沒有白過了! 

看著小傢伙抓著屁股往廁所衝的樣子真的很好笑. 這樣真的能防止便便跑出來嗎?

Ting has a little boy who has many WHYs


Ting was reading the book CARS to his son tonight. One of the lines from Doc is "Now, where the heck is he?" Ting's son says "Who is Heck?" Gee~ Those children books...

閃電麥坤的書裡其中一句話是 '該死的跑哪裡去了!' 小傢伙說 '誰是該死?' 吼~ 這些編兒童書的人用詞小心一點兒好不好!

Ting's little guy seriously didn't want to go to bed tonight. He came to her room, holding his both hands together and said he needed help. "My hands are stuck." He says. Ting thought to herself "You could find a better excuse than that!"

小傢伙今晚就是不肯好好的去睡覺. 一直跑出來他的房間來跟我五四三的. 後來他看我快要抓狂了. 就找了個藉口說他需要我的幫忙. 他進了我的房間十指緊扣著然後說 '我的手卡住了.' 你... 你可以找一個高明一點的藉口嗎?

真搞不懂小傢伙在講中文時, 那個怪怪的英文腔是哪裡來的?

Ting‎'s son got mad at her today. He said to her "Go to time-out!" >_<
Ting 的兒子今天對 Ting 抓狂了. 他對 Ting "去罰站!"


Ting said to her little guy: Thank you for your help! Good job!
He said: I am an awesome boy.
Ting said: Yes you are! And I am proud of you!
He said: I am glad.
我跟小傢伙說 '謝謝你的幫忙.'

他就說 '我很棒.'

我就說 '對, 你最棒了. 媽媽很為你驕傲.'

他就說 '這樣我很欣慰.' ^_^lll


Little guy: Can I have some more soy sauce?
Ting: Yes.
Little guy: Is that soy sauce or Zoe sauce?
Ting: Soy sauce.
Little guy: Is that Loy sauce or soy sauce?
...Ting: Soy sauce.
Little guy: Is that cold sauce?
Ting: Well, most of the time it's cold. So you can call it cold sauce if you like.
Little guy: Is that Coy sauce or soy sauce?
Ting: ..........


Ting 的小傢伙戴起 ipod hip-pop. 嘴角竟然不自覺的露出了滿足的微笑. 果然跟 Ting 是不同世代的!


Ting didn't expect this day would come so early. She told her son to get dressed so they can go to the grocery store. He said to her "Oh~ mommy. I am not going to HEB. Sorry!" Hmmm... Hello~ You are still four years old. So you do what I tell you to. Gee~

我跟小傢伙說去穿衣服我們要去超商了. 他說 '哦~ 馬麻. 我不想去超商耶! 抱歉哦!' 你... 抱什麼歉啊? 去穿衣服啦!

Ting was reading the bible story about building the house on the sand and on the rock to her son before the bed time. (See Matthew 7) And her son said "I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin."
Ting 的小傢伙的聯想力很好. 可以把聖經的故事和三隻小豬的故事聯想在一起. 真是笑到爆了

呵呵呵~ 雜七雜八的記了一些. 平時生活的片段罷了. 


台長: puppytx
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