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2008-05-08 20:16:36| 人氣388| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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最近台灣鬧得沸騰騰的巴紐案不僅是舉國皆知. 連美國的報紙也登出了這則新聞. 昨天上班的時候我的一個同事拿了一份剪報給我. 問我知不知道這回事. 我跟他說我知道. 而且我一直有在注意新的變化. 這則新聞是登在美國的紐約時報 2008 年五月十四號星期三的報紙.

照片說明:James Huang on Tuesday after announcing his resignation as the Taiwanese foreign minister.

在這則新聞當中, 文化大學的蔡瑋蔡教授說了這一段話. ”人民對於政府的無能感到羞恥. 這根本是一個笑話. 你們怎麼可以這樣的欺騙老百姓? 這一切的一切只是再次證明了這些政客要不是業餘的就是一群幼童軍.”

我看完以後真是無言以對. 看到自己的國家目前的狀況, 我的臉上也沒有什麼光采. 我有時候在想那些政客就像一群小朋友在玩政治的扮家家酒遊戲. 當你覺得他們所做的離譜至極時, 他們還有辦法做出更離譜的事. 一而再, 再而三的. 我也只能佩服他們的創意.

我也不是要一再的批評這些人. 而是我真的覺得很心痛. 人民的血汗錢給他們這樣子拿來玩. 將來大家再回到上帝面前時自然會有一番定論的. 我有一位墨西哥來的朋友和我談到這件事. 她說墨西哥也出過這種離譜的事. 無獨有偶. 我是不是也不用覺得太難過呢?

這篇剪報我一個字一個字的重新打了一遍. 我也不知道為什麼. 唉~ 希望台灣的未來會越來越好.

3 Taiwan Officials quit in Diplomatic Furor

By Jonathan Adams

TAIPEI, Taiwan – The foreign minister of Taiwan and two other top officials resigned on Tuesday over a botched attempt to win diplomatic recognition from Papua New Guinea, a scandal that has stirred public outrage against the departing government just two weeks before it is to step down.

Taipei was embarrassed by the public disclosure that about $30 million, which had been intended for Papua New Guinea in exchange for its switching diplomatic from Beijing, had disappeared.

Foreign Minister James Huang(黃志芳) resigned over the case on Tuesday. Vice Premier Chiou I-Jen(邱義仁) also resigned from the cabinet, a day after he left the Democratic Progressive Party and said he would retire from politics.

Vise Defense Minister Ko Ching-Heng(柯承亨) resigned later on Tuesday, The Associated Press reported,

In 2006, the government wired the $30 million to an account in Singapore that was controlled by two middlemen who had been enlisted by Taipei for the secret diplomatic outreach to Papua New Guinea.

After negotiations foundered, Taiwan requested the money back, but to no avail.

Now, one of the middlemen – Ching Chi-Ju(金紀玖) – is on the run. The government says it does not know what became of Mr. Chin or the money.

The diplomatic scandal is the latest in a series of blows to the government of President Chen Shui-Bian, which has been deeply unpopular for its perceived mismanagement of the economy and a string of corruption cases. The Democratic Progressive Party he leads was badly beaten in elections in January and March.

“People feel humiliated by the government’s incompetence,” said George Tsai(文化大學蔡教授蔡瑋), a political analyst at Chinese Culture University in Taipei. “It’s a joke to the outside world – how could the government be cheated like this? It’s proof to many that they’re a bunch of Boy Scouts and amateurs.”

Mr. Chiou(邱義仁), the vice premier, had been one of the key players in the overture to Papua New Guinea. He insisted on Tuesday that he had not pocketed any money in the affair, amid reports in The United Evening News and ither news outlets that some of the $30 million may have been designated as kickbacks for Taiwan officials.

Mr. Chiou(邱義仁) is widely viewed as one of the architects of the rise to power in 2000 of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party. His fall from grace is a sharp blow for a party whose morale was already low.

China considers Taiwan a renegade province and both Taiwan and China have long engaged in so-called checkbook diplomacy to lure diplomatic allies to their sides. Taiwan and China refuse to establish official ties with the other. All the major powers recognize Beijing, but the two sides have long competed for the allegiances of smaller countries, using promises of aid.

In recent years, the growing clout of China has given it an edge in this contest. Now, only 23 countries – mostly small, marginal ones – recognize Taiwan, compared with 30 when the pro-independence party took power in 2000.

台長: puppytx
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Amy C
I was shocked!

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come to see them!
2008-05-09 12:08:17

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