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2005-11-28 12:01:24

Christmas Parade~1

Holiday is all about sharing. Austin is a great city. Every year around holiday seasons. They have a Christmas parade and follow by giving the gifts to needed kids. They call it ’Children helping chi...

2005-11-28 11:43:09


RJ got baptized by rose petales. I cried when I answered the minister’s question by saying ’WE DO’. No matter what happens in the future. My baby and my family will be OK. Cause we all have God on ...

2005-11-28 11:33:47


It is the Thanksgiving Sunday The weather is perfect The timing is perfect The people at the church are perfect and my baby is perfect He will grow up and be a happy person He will grow up and...

2005-11-28 11:28:16


This is what he wore to the church today.

2005-11-28 11:26:43
2005-11-23 05:44:20

Just for Chi~5

Daddy is doing legs exercise with me. This is good for No. 2. You know...^_^lll

2005-11-23 05:42:40

Just for Chi~4

I love to dance. This is defeniely from my dad. Mom just doesn’t get it!

2005-11-23 05:40:00
2005-11-23 05:38:13

Just for Chi~2

Look at me! You can get closer...^_^

2005-11-23 05:36:55
2005-11-23 05:25:51

萬聖節~ 2005

From the left... Lanna’a parents are Swedish American and Taiwanese. She is Butterfly. RJ’s parents are Dutch American and Taiwanese. He is King! Ryan’s parents are American and Malaysia. ...

2005-11-09 23:50:53


小傢伙身上沒有任何的痣或是胎記. 我和老公說萬一他被綁架了, 我們沒有辦法和警方描述他的特徵耶! Gary 說當然可以啊! 他的特徵是沒有牙齒. 然後他看起來像小天使但是沒有翅膀. 聽我老公說的跟真的一樣. 這大概給了他...

2005-11-09 07:28:58



2005-11-03 11:34:08


以往的萬聖節我和都是去參加化妝舞會. 要不然就是去 Austin 的 downtown 加入遊行. 這一次是去我朋友家過的. 我們這個小鎮很小, 她們住的地方剛好又是那種治安好又是有歷史的建築. 所以很多人都帶小朋友去那裡要糖果...

2005-11-03 11:25:37

小傢伙的第一個 Renaisance Festival

我和 Gary 每年都會在十一月初去Renaisance Festival露營. 現在小傢伙來了. 這個傳統也不會改. 唯一的不同是現在他還太小, 露營可能不太適合. 所以這次我們就是當天來回. Gary 親手為小傢伙做的國王的服裝讓很多人都...

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