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2007-05-25 19:14:42| 人氣25| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

聯合公園 >>> 過去的我

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>> 歌名

>> 過去的我

>> 資料來源YAHOO知識

>> http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1607041507502

What I Have Done
In this farewell,
There’s no blood,
There’s no alibi,
’Cause I’ve drawn regret
From the truth of a thousand lies.
So let mercy call
And wash away what I’ve done.

I face myself
To cross out what I’ve become.
Erase myself
And let go of what I’ve done

What you’ve asked,
What you’ve thought of me.
Well, I clean the slate
With the hands of uncertainty.
So let mercy call
And wash away what I’ve done.


For what I’ve done.
I start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends.
I’m forgiving what I’ve done.


What I’ve done.
Forgiving what I’ve done

台長: ×笨×↓.瓅。↖
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