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幾天前收到一封Email。有位Mr. Ross M.England發過來的,他說:「I am Mr. Ross M. from England I would like to communicate with you!」嘿!這下好玩了,但畢竟這不是外國人第一次發Email給我,之前也和蘇俄的海洋相關科技研究人員通過電話和Email來往過,後來將他聘為系上的研究教授,只是個人離開前他因為「家庭因素」無法到任,聘書已收下延後到任半年。所以呢,這「I am Mr. Ross M. from England I would like to communicate with you!」對個來說不是很困難的一句英文對話,當下回信:「how to do it ?」。
How are you today and your family? Thanks for showing interest on my mail. However I am searching for a reliable and trust worthy partner to work with me.
I am Mr. Ross M. McEwan, the chief executive officer Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc. I was convinced and decided to contact you as the right person with believe that you will never disappoint me or let me down in any way when this money transferred into your bank account in your country.
I have an urgent and confidential business proposition involving transfer of money amount GBP£ 25,000,000.00 (Twenty Five Million British Pounds Sterling) that will be a great benefit for both of us.
This money was deposited by late client to our bank Mr. Kim Jong-nam; without beneficiary, I will give you more relevant details as regards to this fund/transaction as soon as you notify me of your interest via my private email: mcewanrossm@gmail.com )
please do not disclose this letter to anyone for confidential reason.
Awaiting your urgent reply,
Mr. Ross M. McEwan,
Chief Executive Officer,
Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc.
看懂吧?首席執行官來信耶!涉及匯款金額GBP£25,000,000.00(二千五百萬英鎊),看來是韓國人留下來的。正確的說法應該是被他「留」下來的,更準確的說法或許應該說,根本沒有Kim Jong-nam這位先生。
蘇格蘭皇家銀行集團(The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc)又稱RBS集團(RBS Group),是英國的一家銀行和保險控股公司,總部位於蘇格蘭愛丁堡。
當下回信:「Sorry, I am just a student. I do not understand what you are saying So I will try to get help from my teacher.
當然,就沒有再收到首席執行官來信了!(2019.10.03 06:00:38

台長: Tellme
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