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2008-03-30 18:31:56| 人氣110| 回應0 | 下一篇

For my dear host family :)

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it is such a pleasure for me to have this chance to study abroad to L.A and learn the language and culture in the state.

this is the first time for me to go to the state so im really excited about everything.

i hope i can have a great experience during my trip to the united state.

My name is Queena,I’m nineteen years old.

I am an out going person, i love social with other people and meet
more friends,

And I like reading,listen to music...so on.

I very love animals!If you have any pets in your home,

I believe that I can get along with them and take care of it.:D

I would also like to explore and experience a different culture,

and I know that this great experience would definitely become a wonderful memory in my whole life.

By the way,

please feel free to let me know if there’s anything that you don’t want me to do.

(PS:Is there any Internet connection in the room for me to stay because I may bring my laptop with me. Please let me know before I go.Thanks for your generosity and kindness!!)


Queena : )

台長: 姬旦EgG☺
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