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2006-02-10 17:10:19| 人氣74| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Silly ...

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I only believed I at present saw , other I all did not believe !

Wants me to believe all these are very difficult .

Much less I already was injured !

I do not need your apology ,

Because does not have this necessity !

I one but made the decision not to be able to change ,

You do not want to divide, also does not have the means .

Calculated you want to recall , also no helps .

I really do not have the means , already did not like the person to me ,

but also had to disguise to like , like this was not all good to our 2 ,

moreover only met the pain .

Not right ?

A minute this decision , is all good to us !

Silly , does not have wrong ‥ me is silly (!)

Moreover to is not silly good !



翻譯 :

我只相信我眼前所看到的, 其餘的我都不相信 !!!


更何況我已經受傷了 !!!

我也不需要你的道歉 ,

因為沒這個必要 !!!

你不想分 , 也沒辦法 .

我一但做了決定就不會在改變 ,

就算你想挽回 , 也於事無補 .

我真的沒辦法 , 對一個我已經不喜歡的人 , 還要假裝喜歡 ,

這樣對我們2個都不好 , 而且只會痛苦

不是嗎 ???

分 這個決定 , 對我們都好 !!!


而且傻到不行 !

pic:; 無* [?]

台長: JyunYaੴ,
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