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2007-02-22 05:26:23| 人氣147| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood - San Jose
February 24, 2007 Saturday 6:15 PM
Party of 3

Address: 170 South Market Street , San Jose, CA 95113
Cross Street: W. San Carlos
Phone: (408) 283-7200

Dress Code: Casual Dress
Special Messages: need space for the stroller

有折價25元喔 上次我們去吃花了20元 就吃到新鮮的魚
有人也要去的話也可以選擇那時候去喔 不過得要坐不同桌 這樣才省得多阿

1.Visit: http://www.mccormickandschmicks.com/...splay&pageID=2 to make your reservations.

2. Print the confirmation and note your Confirmation Number.

3. Visit: http://www.fishbowl.com/clt/mccrmck/pc/200702/2/jmp/jmp.htm to print an online dinner certificate.

4. Write your confirmation number on your dinner certificate.

5. Bring your dinner certificate to the restaurant to enjoy the freshest seafood, a great steak or one of our other 80+ menu items.

台長: 大眼睛與小乖乖的媽
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