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2005-12-13 11:24:42| 人氣161| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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All About Us

They say don’t trust
you me we us
So we’ll fall if we must
Cause it’s you and me
And it’s all about
It’s all about us (all about us)
It’s all about (all about us)
All about us
That’s a theme that they can’t touch
’Cause you know what
It’s all about us (all about us)
It’s all about (all about us)
All about us
Run away if we must
’Cause you know what
It’s all about us (it’s all about us)
It’s all about lies (it’s all about us)
You the one I can trust (it’s all about us)
It’s all about us
If they hurt you they hurt me too
So we’ll rise up won’t stop
And it’s all about
It’s all about

It’s all about us (it’s all about us)
It’s all about lies (it’s all about us)
You the one I can trust (it’s all about us)
It’s all about us
They don’t know
They can’t see
Who we are
Fear is the enemy
Hold on tight
Hold on to me
’Cause tonight
It’s all about us
It’s all about (all about us)
That’s a theme that they can’t touch
’Cause you know what

It’s all about us (it’s all about us)
It’s all about lies (it’s all about us)
You the one I can trust (it’s all about us)
It’s all about us
It’s all about us

台長: 深邃 藍


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