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2006-07-23 23:19:37| 人氣94| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

day 11

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haha~~ it is Amy’s ice cream shop ar~~

went to Amy’s shop to eat ice cream yesterday,
i choose the favour of dark chocolate, very tasty lei!!
me, aunt, cousins, and May (she is the cousin of my cousins, understand??) go together,
May live in the house i live now, and she just move out few weeks ago.
So happy lei, i finally got a friend here!! >v<

Haha!! May told me how to choose courses (as she study same college with me),
like which course’s tutor will give fewer assessment etc.
so i can choose course wiser la~

and i start my part-time job last night,
working in my uncle 10’s chinese reataurant as a cashier.
not difficult, but have to remember those English dishes name & price.
also, hv to learn how to use the cashier machine.
ok la, i will add oil ga!! >v<

One good thing is: I saw a handsome customer le!!
look like a chinese, with smile killing ppl, about 30,
unfortunately, not a tall one la~

and not many handsome foreigners~ only fat fat ppl~~

Pizza brought from my aunt 8’s little pizza house,
it is very very very tasty lei!!!!!!
much more yummy then Pizza Hut~~

台長: taki
人氣(94) | 回應(3)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

中年男士with smile killing ppl無得頂!!!XDD
2006-07-23 23:52:13
haha~~ mo gum old la, only about 30.
yes ar, that smiles were soooooo great ga!!
2006-07-24 23:09:43
2006-07-25 00:03:22
haha~~!! XDD hai ar!!
i am waiting for more cool guy to come ga!!
if any super star come, i will absolutly take photo la~~ (if my boss allow)
2006-07-25 21:52:59
估唔到你去左我開個間店到食ice cream喎!!!
我間鋪好靚呀!!哈哈~ 特別amy個招牌!!!
2006-07-25 19:31:38
yes ar!!
ur shop is very beautiful inside time!! >v<
and ur ice cream is very very tasty lei!!

PS: i dream about u and polly last night lei!!
2006-07-25 21:59:54
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