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2006-07-21 12:52:51| 人氣101| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

day 8

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just upload some photo on this album , plz cc la~~

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yesterday was my aunt3 (uncle3’s wife)’s birthday, so we went to her house to have lunch together.

(ps: i live in uncle6’s house)

and uncle3’s house just scare me........
he has a swimming pool behind the house (but dirty...);
he has more than one little "store houses" outside;
he has a land larger than 3 basketball court outside the house;
he has 2 restaurant ( 1 chinese & 1 american seafood);
he has a land about 430 thousands sq. fit.......

u know? that is incredible la i think.... (= =")
but he told me his life was so though when he was young,
so i think what he own is reasonable ge~
just so strange that i’ve got this kind of wealthy relative.
haha~ we are ppl from two absolutely different planet la~

actually, i think my home in HK , although only 330 sq. fit , is better la~
because that is my original home ma~ i come from there le!! I LOVE THAT!!!

em...... i cannot install chinese typing ar.... (ToT)
i love chinese much much more la.......
so hope u all dun mind if i carry on using handwriting la~

PS: i see a lot of beautiful houses here!! later upload those photo la~

台長: taki
人氣(101) | 回應(2)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

2006-07-21 18:01:51
haha~~ i also want la~~
unfortunately, my brother and me are the oldest amoung all cousins...... (= =|||)
mo la~~ so bad.......
2006-07-22 02:23:32
Cin 姐
計我話唔好同D表嘜表嘜發展, 最好係學校搵番件香港有米留學生, 之後係US註冊先好返HK
或者搵件金髮美男, 係當地落地生根, 生番個混血美女, 最多我做佢契媽啦! haahaa
2006-07-23 17:18:36
haha~~ unfortunately, 89% male here ar very very fat la~~
those fit ppl are black ppl....... = =
and i am interest in chinese lot more~ (hv rice? ho ar!! >v<)
2006-07-23 22:23:56
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