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只要濺出一滴血, 便無法阻止更多的殺戮."

"Thus, I'd like to call on you for mutual restraint. This
is for all Ukrainian people. If even a drop of blood is
spilled, it will not be possible to stop further bloodshed."

-----------------------------------------------------資料來源1 : BBC NEWS

Wednesday, 1 December, 2004, 11:35 GMT

<< 烏克蘭國會議員 投票否決尤希成科政府 >> --->最新結果
-Ukraine MPs vote down government-

尤申科的支持者在基輔的國會附近示威抗議, 該爭議引發雙方大
規模抗爭. 烏克蘭國會已針對維克特.雅努科維奇總理通過不信任
動議案, 同時, 因總統選舉爭議形成的危機也持續著.
Yushchenko supporters protest near parliament in Kiev
The dispute has led to mass protests by both sides
Ukraine's parliament has passed a no-confidence motion in
Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych as a crisis over the
disputed presidential poll continues.

----------------------------------------------------資料來源2 : DENVOR POST

<奈特李德報> 馬修.史卡菲爾 撰文
Article Published:Wednesday,December,01,2004
By Matthew Schofield Knight-Ridder Newspapers

<< 烏克蘭反對陣營使對談成泡影 >>


-Ukraine opposition scuttles talks-
A coalition offer is rejected as the Supreme Court
continues to study evidence of vote fraud and crowds
swell in Kiev.

烏克蘭,基輔 報導-
Kiev, Ukraine - In a show of self-confidence, Ukrainian
opposition leaders cut off negotiations with the government
Tuesday over the disputed presidential election, while
rejecting an offer to join a coalition government in the
post of prime minister.

The Ukrainian Supreme Court spent a second day studying
evidence of alleged vote fraud, including more than 100
percent voter turnout in hundreds of precincts.

由於410席中只有196席贊成該議案, 國會暫時休會.
In a moment of high drama that threatened to turn violent,
tens of thousands of protesters raced to surround the
Parliament building when word came that legislators had
refused to pass a no-confidence vote against Prime Minister
Viktor Yanukovych, the man they accuse of stealing the
presidential race. The Parliament adjourned with only 196
of 410 legislators favoring the measure.

當群眾如潮水般湧入, 總統職位競逐者.前首相-維克特.尤申科
站在國會門外懇請支持者不要破門而入. 他的副手們向群眾強調
As the crowd swelled, presidential challenger and former
Prime Minister Viktor Yushchenko stood outside Parliament's
doors and implored supporters not to break into the room.
His aides noted that Parliament is the only legitimate
decision-making body left in Ukraine.

他說:"只要國會存在的一天, 我不會讓任何軍隊進到國會裡, 也不
Volodymyr Lytvyn, parliamentary speaker, pleaded for patience
and the avoidance of violence."I will not let any troops
enter the Parliament or allow the use of force against peaceful
people, as long as the Parliament exists," he said.

只要濺出一滴血, 便無法阻止更多的殺戮."
"Thus, I'd like to call on you for mutual restraint. This
is for all Ukrainian people. If even a drop of blood is
spilled, it will not be possible to stop further bloodshed."

台長: SEAN
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