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GRUNT - Myth of Blood, Death Industrial 新經典誕生

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事隔了差不多三年, Power Electronics / Death Industrial 的巨頭 GRUNT 終於推出了全新專輯 - Myth of Blood 血之神話。
今次的 Myth of Blood 從音樂到美術設計完全承繼了上一張 World Draped In A Camouflage, 同樣是黑白設計, 不過 World Draped In A Camouflage 是拼貼, 而 Myth of Blood 則是用上復古攝影。
戰爭從來貫穿了GRUNT 的思想, 今次也不例外, 但現得更為成熟及囂狂, 肆無忌憚的極右派思想, 意圖回到第二次世界大戰前, 再度喚起人類的鬥爭本能成為新信仰的狂野心。
音樂上亦用上復古的Death Industrial 混合 Power Electronics, 狂亂的噪音, 混和舊工業打鐵, 令你再度感受到混沌狂亂的舊工業時代。
GRUNT投下一枚強力的炸彈了, Myth of Blood, Death Industrial 新經典誕生!

myth of blood

struggle is the father of all things
it is not by the principles
of humanity that man lives
or is able to preserve himself above
the animal world
but solely by means of
the most brutal struggle

the doom of nation
can be averted only by a storm
of flowing passion
but only those
who are passionate themselves
can arouse passion in others

today a new faith is stirring
the myth of blood
the faith that along with blood
we are defending the divine nature
of man as a whole

whoever lights the torch of war
in europe can wish
nothing but chaos

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