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2004-12-17 08:52:23 | 人氣60| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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I just have to write this down...afterall you don't get the chance of pushing a truck everyday...=p
Yesterday I had to stay at work until 8 pm because one of our trucks broke down on the street, not far from our parking lot...gladly our neighbor was kind enough to take out his chain and drove one of their trucks and towed ours back to the parking lot, however, he dropped it right in front of a trailer which was about to be pulled out....so two of our warehouse ppl and Tabs and me, the four of us had to push it out of the way with our driver steering the truck...that...just imagine it....was an interesting sight...I hope not too many ppl's seen us sweating and pushing that thing...ha ha ha!! and once the driver had stepped on the brake too hard that all of us almost slammed into the truck...LOLZ...^O^

台長: Syb
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