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2005-02-08 02:51:07 | 人氣79| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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Gemini Today:
You wonder what you're doing. At least they trust you. Take strength from that.

ha....sometimes the daily horoscope that I get in my cell is interesting...this is exactly what I need today...taking strength from their trust...whew...ok...so...even though I know that Terri is vveeerrryy unhappy that her trailer got detained forever at our warehouse, at least I shouldn't be feeling too bad because she...trusts me? or the company does? oh well I guess I don't really feel that bad...anymore...I mean...what's new...this is almost like part of the drill already, besides...this is not really my fault...did the best to help...*shrug*

台長: Syb
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