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2005-08-03 04:02:01

Norman Lowery說貓

'It's a cat eat dog world' - Norman Lowery

2005-08-03 04:01:48

Alexander Pope說貓

'But thousands die without this or that, / Die, and endow a college, or a cat.' - Alexander Pope

2005-08-03 04:01:30


"Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow." - Jeff Valdez

2005-08-03 04:01:18


"A dog is prose, a cat is a poem." - Jean Burden

2005-08-03 04:01:02


"Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and Hitler...were apparently terrified of small felines....If you want to conquer the world you had better not share even a moment with an animal that refuses to be con...

2005-07-30 00:21:44


"No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens." - Abraham Lincoln

2005-07-29 08:40:37


我現在尤其同意這句話. 最近的這兩個禮拜我被找房貸這件事情真的弄得焦頭爛額. 因為我自己對於伸請貸款完全沒有經驗, 又看本來幫我做貸款的C小姐好像很誠懇的要幫我們, 就接受了她提供的方案, 後來打聽之後才發現...

2005-07-27 07:16:54

Allen & Ivy Dodd 說貓

"There are people who reshape the world by force or argument, but the cat just lies there, dozing; and the world quietly reshapes itself to suit his comfort and convenience." - Allen & Ivy Dodd

2005-07-27 07:13:59


"Beware of people who dislike cats." - Irish proverb

2005-07-27 07:12:45


"One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives." - Mark Twain

2005-07-27 07:09:49


凌晨三點四十八分, 迷糊中被Andy打來的電話叫醒, 看看窗外才發現還是深夜, 接起才知道他住的那排公寓不久前竟然發生火災... 原來是從最後那一家開始的, 裡面那個女孩子點了蠟燭沒熄掉又出門, 才會失火...真是的...本...

2005-07-27 06:29:29


如果不是那麼多雜事纏身, 恐怕買來三天內就會給我看完了...我可是一知道發行日就先訂了. ^++^ 看完以後心情沉重...沒想到...這本是第六本了吧...可是....也許我在這裡不該說...要不然對還沒看的人來說, 就不好玩了....

2005-07-13 03:11:31

Nike Woman試鏡

利用午餐時間出去了一趟, 前天才接到一通電話要我今天去一個Nike Woman的廣告試鏡. 那時候只知道他們要找跑者, 結果好不容易去到studio的時候, 馬上就後悔為什麼要浪費時間過去了... 因為每個已經到場的女生, 都是那...

2005-07-13 03:09:33


晚上接到Andy一通電話, 說他在打籃球的時候車鑰匙和手機被偷了...幸好車子還在原處...因為擔心車子也遭竊...於是他決定在守在車子旁, 我出門去apartment拿他的備用鑰匙救人...真是的...幹這個勾當的人也真無聊...說實...

2005-07-06 06:43:43


"A man has to work so hard so that something of his personality stays alive. A tomcat has t so easy, he has only to spray and his presence is there for years on rainy days." - Albert Einstein ...

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