很抱歉前一陣子的禮物或許已不比從前,當妳還是個小女孩時,那樣的令人興奮, 妳應該明白這是怎麼一回事(眨眨眼)。無論如何,聖誕老公公很高興看到一些較大的孩子(我可沒有特別指誰哦!)仍然花了時間寫了媚兒。我也聽說妳一直是個好女孩。(當然,妳不會介意如果我做點調查,妳會介意嗎?呵呵呵~~)
#1, Rudolph Way
North Pole, Canada
Sunday, October 05, 2003
What a nice surprise Sunny!
Thank you for sending me your mail all the way from Taipei! The Net sure is wonderful because now I never feel lonely all the way up at the North Pole. I can get those wonderful Christmas emails any time of the year now, but it's always special when I get one from you, Sunny.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Sunny! Are you fibbing to ol' Santa Claus?!? You can't possibly be XX years old already! Why it seems like only yesterday that I was leaving presents for a certain little girl and here you are now, practically one of Santa's elves! (*grin*)
Sorry the presents the last little while probably haven't been quite as exciting as they were when you were a little girl but, well, you know how these things go (*wink*). Anyway, Santa's glad to see some of the 'older kids' (not to mention anyone in particular!) still take the time to write. I also hear you've been a good girl. (Of course, you won't mind if I do a little checking, will you? HO!! Ho!! Ho!!).
Let's see what you put in your letter for Christmas wishes: 1. Piano; 2. Harry Potter and; 3. Apple pie. HO!! Ho!! ho!! Can I tell you a secret? I thought it might be fun to get Mrs. Claus something just like that for Christmas too! Let's hope the elves can make enough of them for everyone!
Oh! oh! The Grinch is trying to steal some of Mrs. Claus' cookies! That Grinch sure is funny. He may not like Christmas, but he sure likes those cookies! Well, I better go stop him before he steals them all. Take care Sunny and don't forget to listen for me Christmas Eve!! And remember...only 81 more sleeps until Christmas!!
Season's Greetings!
Santa Claus
P.S. I've attached a special postmarked copy of your email below so you can print it off and show it to all your friends or put it on your fridge.
Have a holly jolly Christmas, Sunny!