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2009-04-03 23:34:27| 人氣47| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I really don't know when it is real and when is not
I know I should not treat that as real and should always alert myself that it is just a game
You are destinated to lose once you get serious
Pleasure, but not future, is the only thing you can get from this
Don't want to believe words are meant as they are, but lies
Trying my best not to indulge in the illusion like before
However, feel confused after reading the messages received after dinner
Honestly, can you really resist someone saying "u mean the world to me"?
Even it probably does not come from the heart?
Never expect I would allow myself doing this
I think I am just too lonely and desperate for love
How pathetic I am?





I did dream of you this morning
Although start losing the details
still it should be something that I want it to come true
If it were you
I will immediately dive into it without any hesitation
You always know that all I need is just one word from you
I will do anything for you and always will

台長: Deja Vu


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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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