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2005-12-21 22:33:14| 人氣78| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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In fact,sometimes I miss u......
You know, I used to care about u, we used to play together
You used to listen to secret in my mind.
What could I forget ?
What should I forget?
Who knows !?
(I need ur laugh voice now... belong to me ur voice... haha)

ANYTIME when I talk some cold things or do any boring things,
You always laugh, laugh, and laugh.
Thank u for gave me some confidence, haha...=..="

You know,,,
when I usually feel down down down and down,
I want to tell u what things bother me...
I want to find u to gave vent to my rage together..

I miss that u say : You have to eat something, u cant eat nothing
I miss that u say : You r my best friend
I miss that u say : .....TOO much = ="

sometimes i feel bad..
sometimes i need u give me some sap..
But i can’t
I have no reason, isn’t it !?
Just can give vent to my rage by myself...
So terrible...Right?!
I say true...**

I can’t forget the time we play "a gay"
Do u remember?
haha.. we was so excited..

Hope u can get a good college
Working hard
I can feel that.
You can do it "

(kiss goodbye)

And last,
i just want to say
朋友之間 本來就該放下身段
這樣之間 才能快樂的友誼下去 呵呵..isn’t it !?
and.....可以重新來過哪?! ((吃屎))

pic Do u remember that DOG ?? It’s so lovely !!

台長: ενα_♥


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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊)